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Deval Patrick's eensy-weensy campaign
Patrick hires operative to head his South Carolina campaign
To defeat Trump, Dems rethink the Obama coalition formula
Why Bloomberg doesn’t care about skipping the Democratic debates
Amy Klobuchar on Bloomberg’s 2020 bid: Voters won't 'buy it'
Kellyanne Conway on Bloomberg: 'America already elected a builder'
Michael Bloomberg launches campaign for president
Bloomberg makes ‘massive’ ad buy
Harris lands 4th Hispanic Caucus endorsement
Buttigieg campaign staffers join union
Democratic establishment reaches boiling point with Tulsi Gabbard
Submit a question for the December debate stage
Warren challenges Biden in bid for black women
Democrats hold fifth debate amid impeachment inquiry
'Did I make you proud?': Biden team blasts out post-debate fundraising plea hours before debate kicks off
'No schadenfreude will be had': Biden coasts as opponents face firing squad
POLITICO predicts the 2020 election
Does Gavin Newsom have the answer to Democrats’ health care fights?
Inside Warren’s secret big-donor fan club