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Democrats call BS on malarkey
How a Hillary ‘shill’ went all in for Bernie
Steve Bullock ends presidential bid, won't run for Senate
Trump builds a bad cop, good cop routine for his 2020 race
Andrew Yang raises $750,000 in 24 hours
Joe Sestak ends 2020 presidential bid
Klobuchar calls Trump Ukraine scandal ‘a global Watergate’
New Hampshire voters to Steyer: Make it stop!
Buttigieg has a serious Latino problem, too
Elizabeth Warren loses her mojo in Iowa
Here's why Bloomberg insists he's not crazy
Kamala Harris aide bolts to Bloomberg campaign
Super PAC backing Booker will shut down
Dem 2020 primary casts long shadow over battle for Senate
'The hubris is unbelievable': Dems seethe over Bloomberg GOP donations
Warren nosedives in new nationwide poll
Bernie lets it rip against Bloomberg ‘arrogance’
Bloomberg focuses on swing voters in first appearance of 2020 campaign
Deval Patrick: Democratic primary is 'wide open'