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Poll: Both Democrats and Republicans doubtful of 2020 election outcome
Poll: Dems more likely to support candidate who backs Medicare for All over fixing Obamacare
Biden: Racism in U.S. a ‘white man’s problem’
Democrats disavow Obama's creation of rival political group
Joe Biden took questions from black reporters for 90 minutes. He did not disappoint.
Native American critics still wary of Warren despite apology tour
Cardi B might be one of Bernie's most powerful 2020 allies. Seriously.
FEC paralyzed by resignations as 2020 approaches
How entrepreneur Andrew Yang would tackle climate change
Inside Susan Collins’ reelection fight in the age of Trump
Sanders nabs national union endorsement
‘The rock star’ vs. ‘The rock’: Warren and Biden hurtle toward collision
Former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh to challenge Trump in GOP presidential primary
Invoking RFK and MLK, Biden asks: What if Obama were assassinated
Seth Moulton to drop out of 2020 race
Poll: Biden notches 10-point lead over Trump in general election matchup
#DonaldTrump #Poll
Jacksonville will host President Trump’s GOP renomination convention
#2020Elections #DonaldTrump