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Carly Fiorina calls for impeaching Trump — but doesn't rule out voting for him in 2020
Mayor Pete’s bestie is also helping craft the Warren agenda
Booker scales back campaign in New Hampshire
Bloomberg’s bottomless wallet funds hiring frenzy
Poll: Biden continues to dominate among black voters
Trump shocks black voters — by trying to get their votes
The hidden hand behind Bloomberg’s campaign
Biden signals to aides that he would serve only a single term
How the Fed lifted Trump’s 2020 prospects
Nevada ‘demoralized’ by all-white Democratic top tier
Bernie scores big progressive endorsement, besting Warren
Biden claims he has the most diverse staff — but won’t back it up
Yang still locked out of debate as deadline looms
Buttigieg and Warren come clean in tangle over transparency
McKinsey allows Buttigieg to disclose clients
‘Trump changed everything’: Big cities break hard left in Dem primary
Warren says she made $1.9 million from private legal work
Biden super PAC makes first TV buy
Bloomberg moves to shut down talk he's trying to buy the election
Bloomberg says he shouldn't have called Booker 'well-spoken'