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How Trump’s 2020 team is trying to milk impeachment
Trump tells supporters Democrats are 'embarrassed' by impeachment
Trump campaign says it won't credential Bloomberg reporters
At Florida ‘homecoming rally,’ Trump builds his case against impeachment
'A lot of things are the matter with me': The best lines from Trump's Fox interview
Trump backers test how to eke out a post-impeachment victory
Trump goes local to wipe the stain of impeachment
In Texas, Trump tries to rev up a base under pressure
Pence going after Democrats over impeachment — in their districts
How Trump’s Biden mania led him to the brink of impeachment
Trump’s political defense: Play the victim card
Trump trolls de Blasio after mayor's withdrawal from presidential race
Trump milks the Kavanaugh backlash
Trump’s California fundraisers are drenched in cash — and secrecy
Trump slams 'phony' poll showing him trailing several 2020 Democrats
Trump again jokes about extending his term past 2024
Trump defends states scrapping GOP primaries and calls his challengers a 'laughingstock'
Sarah Huckabee Sanders to chronicle her White House tenure in a memoir
‘They are riding a rubber ducky into alligator-infested waters’