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‘He just needs to win 60 percent of the next 100 days’
Trump’s talking health care again, with 2020 in mind
Trump tries to claw back control as coronavirus pandemic threatens his reelection
Trump stares down a ticking economic time bomb
Trump’s Rose Garden strategy: White House MAGA rallies
Trump rails against Biden, China in Rose Garden stemwinder
Trump’s convention bash upended by Florida’s coronavirus crisis
Trump’s Mount Rushmore fireworks shed light on his history with Native Americans
The Lincoln Project is trolling Trump. But can it sway voters?
Trump undercuts his own campaign’s minority outreach
Trump team looks to prevent a Tulsa-style debacle in Jacksonville
In Arizona, Trump has a redo of his Oklahoma rally
Trump’s 2020 strategy: A never-ending war with states
Bolton says Trump is concerned only about his reelection
Trump aims to reset the 2020 race with a roaring rally in Tulsa
'My biggest risk': Trump says mail-in voting could cost him reelection
Trump can take a DACA do-over. Will he?
‘It’s a bigger tent’: Trump expands his political cabinet to revive his 2020 prospects
‘He has to get back to his life’: Trump looks past crises to resume his routine