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Trump talks of accomplishments, coronavirus at Fox News town hall
‘It was a perfect storm’: Trump weighs in on Biden’s Super Tuesday rout
Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax’
Trump campaign ads target a new audience: Indian Americans
Trump’s coronavirus conflict: Science vs. politics
National security adviser dismisses claims of Russian 2020 interference
Trump mocks Bloomberg, Klobuchar debate performances at Colorado rally
How immigration became the new infrastructure week
Trump escalates his attacks on Bloomberg, comparing him to Jeb Bush
Trump basks in post-acquittal campaign rally
Trump team plans a non-impeachment State of the Union
Trump revives familiar rally performance as Senate trial tilts in his favor
Democrats are already bracing for a ‘hostile’ Trump transition
Trump accuses Dems of using impeachment trial to hurt Sanders campaign
Trump jabs at ‘Mini Mike Bloomberg’ for debate stage absence
Trump headlines campaign rally amid impeachment and Iran crises
How a Trump aide returns from exile: The David Bossie saga
Trump’s 2020: Rallies, Twitter and an expected Super Bowl push
Trump works to avoid evangelical defections in 2020
Trump campaign encourages supporters to confront their ‘snowflake’ relatives