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Bloomberg’s campaign snowballs to 1,000 staffers and counting
Perez defends debate thresholds ahead of smallest, whitest Dem debate yet
Sanders camp admits anti-Warren script was deployed in multiple early states
Trump: I don't believe Bernie said a woman can't win the presidency
Warren promises to cancel student loan debt using executive powers
Why Bloomberg skipped New York Times ed board interview
Why tonight’s debate could be a doozy
10th black congressman endorses Biden
Booker drops out of presidential race
‘Do I see a feud brewing?’: Trump jumps in on Bernie-Warren brawl
First member of Congress endorses Bloomberg
'I thought a woman could win; he disagreed': Warren-Bernie feud escalates
New poll shows Biden leading Dem field in Iowa
New York Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney endorses Biden
Sanders says he'd consider releasing Supreme Court shortlist
Sanders surges as progressives flock to him over Warren
Trump attacks Bloomberg on health care with misleading claim
Buttigieg snags endorsement from Iowa congressman
Sanders picks up coveted union endorsement in New Hampshire
Steyer: It's messaging, not money, that puts me on debate stage