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Bernie’s labor support snowballs
Democrats unleash surrogate armies
Obama fundraising chief backs Biden
‘On life support’: Buttigieg still struggling to break into South Carolina
Warren camp warns of 'breathless media narratives' out of Iowa
Bloomberg attacks Trump in his safe space
Bloomberg borrows Bernie’s rhetoric
Former senator and White House hopeful Bill Bradley backs Biden
Marianne Williamson throws her support behind Yang in Iowa
Sanders nearly doubles his support in New Hampshire poll
Why Biden's rivals can't break his lock on black voters
Biden dings Sanders on gun reform as feud ramps up
Bloomberg rises to 4th place in new national poll
Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton over 'Russian asset' smear
Sanders surges in new nationwide CNN poll
Biden, Sanders release competing ads on Social Security
‘Nobody likes him’: Hillary Clinton slams Bernie with Iowa caucus looming
Sanders apologizes to Biden for surrogate’s brutal op-ed
Biden pulls ahead in new Iowa poll
Bloomberg’s massive ad campaign hikes TV prices for other candidates