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‘Hating Joe Biden doesn’t juice up their base’: Key swing state slips away from Trump
Jim Clyburn: Trump is Mussolini
Pelosi says mail-in voting is essential for Americans’ health
Poll: Biden slightly ahead in North Carolina, Georgia
‘We don’t need someone distracted with Twitter’: Ilhan Omar fights off tough primary challenge
Coronavirus creates election worker shortage ahead of November
Harris allies granted call with Biden campaign after Dodd blowup
‘Rigged election’ goes from Trump complaint to campaign strategy
Trump's top strategist reboots campaign with focus on early-voting states
Biden, Bernie forces clash during convention meeting
Dems pour record cash into battleground state parties
DNC rules committee adopts ‘unity resolution’ on major reforms
Poll: Gen Z Democrats say Trump is swamping Biden in digital ads
Republicans flat-out reject Trump’s suggestion to delay election
Kennedy unloads on Boston Globe over endorsement snub
Biden's notes: ‘Do not hold grudges’ against Kamala Harris
Ossoff condemns Perdue campaign for ’offensive,’ ’anti-Semitic’ digital ad
Trump says he will accept Republican nomination in North Carolina after all
Bernie backers plot convention rebellion over 'Medicare for All'