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Trump-endorsed Hagerty wins Tennessee Senate primary
Bass corrects explanation for appearing at Scientology event
Biden will no longer deliver convention speech in Milwaukee
Poll: Majority support voting by mail, bucking Trump
'She is absolutely our No. 1 draft pick': GOP pines for Rice as Biden VP
Trump confirms he’s considering delivering convention speech from White House
‘We have to get rid of Trump’: Pro-Bernie group launches effort to boost Biden
House Dems test tactics to mobilize mail-in voters
Karen Bass eulogized Communist Party USA leader
'Never Trump' Republicans team with progressives to convert the president's religious base
Senate Democrats wade into pricey Texas race
Trump’s bag of tricks comes up empty against Biden
Trump's campaign knocks on a million doors a week. Biden's knocks on 0.
Biden VP short-listers jockey as search enters final round in secrecy
PACs hit Trump for ‘police state,’ racism and Covid in ads targeting Black voters
Senators say intel officials will give more details on 2020 election interference
Trump claims right to issue executive order on vote-by-mail
Trump threatens lawsuit to block mail-in voting in Nevada
Trump’s assault on mail voting threatens his reelection bid