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Trump says he's facing 'political persecution' after Supreme Court rejects his attempt to keep tax returns hidden
#DonaldTrump #Politics
Trump's speech is probably defensible in every court — except, perhaps, the Senate
#Politics #DonaldTrump
COVID fatalities in U.S. top 350,000. Refuting Trump, Fauci says deaths are ‘not fake’
#CoronavirusImpact #DonaldTrump
Trump’s impact on courts likely to last long beyond his term
Cartoons on President Donald Trump
#DonaldTrump #Fun
Trump downplays Russia in first comments on hacking campaign
#China #DonaldTrump
Company targeted by vote fraud claims strikes back at Trump
#DonaldTrump #Elections
Pentagon installs 2 Trump allies on defense advisory board
Some things never change: #BiggestLoserTrump
Brazil’s Bolsonaro alleges fraud in US presidential election
BREAKING: GSA Begins Transition After Being Threatened, But Trump Vows Continued Battle
#2020Transition #DonaldTrump
The secretive consulting firm that’s become Biden’s Cabinet in waiting
#2020Transition #JoeBiden
Poll: Half of US Republican Voters Believe Trump ‘Rightfully Won’ Election
Biden vows to set 'rules of the road' on trade
#JoeBiden #China
BREAKING: Michigan Legislature Calls For "Full Audit" Of 2020 Election, Cites Voter Fraud
#2020Elections #DonaldTrump
BREAKING: Pennsylvania Court Rules In Favor Of Trump; Says Secretary of State Did NOT Have Authority To Change Deadline
GOP clamors for Trump in Georgia, but he’s MIA
What Trump could do after leaving the White House
BREAKING: Biden Campaign Threatens To ‘Escort’ Trump Out Of The White House
#JoeBiden #whitehouse