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Booker campaign warns end is near without fundraising surge
Sanders deputy field director in Iowa is no longer with campaign
Warren on pace with Biden in Iowa
Why Trump’s Ukraine scandal could backfire on Biden
Bill de Blasio ends 2020 presidential campaign
Buttigieg campaign hires California state director
Pete Buttigieg hires black outreach director
Warren to headline major DNC fundraiser
Bernie Sanders hits 1 million donors
Beto O'Rourke proposes 'drug war justice grants' for marijuana offenders
Buttigieg plans big-donor summit in Iowa
Buttigieg pops Warren over ‘evasive’ answers on health care plan
O'Rourke rips Schumer for doing 'absolutely nothing' on guns
Sanders camp pushes to extend N.Y. voter registration deadline
Yang dishes on why Trump won, Asian jokes and how he'll 'shock the world'
Yang predicts Trump's nickname for him
Andrew Yang: No apologies for the Asian jokes
Lewandowski 'very, very close' to announcing Senate decision
Nearly 60 mayors and ex-mayors endorse Buttigieg
New poll finds Harris’ support has plunged 13 points in Iowa