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Bloomberg hammers Sanders on mixed gun control record
Florida Dems in uproar after Sanders’ Cuba comments
Poll: Biden, Sanders in tight race in South Carolina
Poll: Democrats underperforming with black voters
Sanders rejects notion he’s too ‘extreme’
Tim Scott says Trump faces two main threats: Trump and Bernie
Why Senate Dems aren't freaking out about Bernie
Biden says he is still confident heading into South Carolina
Biden says Steyer’s spending to blame for dip in African American support
Buttigieg claims inconsistencies in Nevada results
Debate performance has hurt Biden, Rep. Clyburn says
’Nearly insurmountable’: Bernie barrels toward Super Tuesday delegate windfall
Sanders sends Democratic establishment into panic mode
Steyer will return to debate stage in South Carolina
Bernie unleashes volunteer army on Nevada
Biden claims comeback despite distant second finish to Sanders
Sanders looks strong in Nevada
Bloomberg offers to release three women from hush pacts
Dem megadonors stand pat as Bernie soars
Five takeaways from the latest 2020 finance numbers