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Bloomberg drops out of presidential race, endorses Biden
'Crash and burn': House Democrats cheer Biden's thumping of Bernie
Cuellar edges out liberal challenger in Texas, and other Super Tuesday House results
'He didn’t have what it takes': Trump revels in Bloomberg's collapse
Here's what happens to the 2020 dropouts' delegates
Inside Bloomberg’s half-billion dollar belly flop
Sanders campaign hatches comeback plan
Sanders sharpens 'us vs. them' attacks on Biden
'We fell well short': Warren team considers ending campaign
7 things you need to know about congressional races on Super Tuesday
Beto: A Biden win could put Texas Dems in control of congressional map
Biden team launches Klobuchar ad in Minneapolis
Bloomberg considering dropping out after Biden rout
Bloomberg denies he’s siphoning votes from Biden
Donna Brazile to Ronna McDaniel: 'Go to hell'
'Green New Deal' Democrat aims for a Texas oil patch upset
'I just don't think we are the face of the establishment': Klobuchar dismisses criticism of Biden endorsements
Inside Bernie's 'secret strategy' to win huge in California
James Comey says he's backing Biden for president
Los Angeles County’s risky voting experiment