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Trump's 2016 campaign brass warns he's in trouble in 2020
Trump’s ‘rigged election’ talk sparks fear of post-election chaos
Key swing state warns of November election crisis
Why Democrats think they can turn an Iowa Senate seat blue
Black activists warn Biden: Don't pick Klobuchar as VP
Biden apologizes for controversial ‘you ain’t black’ comment
Buttigieg helps Biden raise $1M at 'grassroots' fundraiser
Julian Castro to join Voto Latino as senior adviser
Plagued by stock trades, Loeffler vows she won't drop out
Tara Reade’s lawyer drops her as a client
Team Trump plans $1M ad blitz after Biden's 'you ain't black' stumble
Defense lawyers look to reopen cases where Tara Reade testified as an expert
House Dems clash over DCCC's refusal to back a Latina in Texas primary
Warren pivots on Medicare for All in bid to become Biden's VP
Biden's outreach to Dems lags as Trump syncs up with GOP
GOP House candidate demeans Muslims and compares Dreamers to pedophiles
GOP leaders rebuke Republican House candidate over insulting social media posts
Hillary rakes in millions for Biden — but he's still far behind Trump
Sen. Loeffler’s husband cuts $1 million check to pro-Trump super PAC
Trump misstates Michigan mail-in ballot policy, threatens federal funding