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Quick Facts
Personal Details


  • Attended, Ottawa University, 1989-1990

Professional Experience

  • Attended, Ottawa University, 1989-1990
  • Chief Executive Officer/President, Liberty Petroleum Corporation, present
  • President, Strategic Consulting, present
  • Former Oil Field and Drilling Engineer
  • Former Executive Director, Arizona Family Research Institute
  • Former President, Children's Hope Scholarship Association
  • Former Director, Governor's Office for Children

Political Experience

  • Attended, Ottawa University, 1989-1990
  • Chief Executive Officer/President, Liberty Petroleum Corporation, present
  • President, Strategic Consulting, present
  • Former Oil Field and Drilling Engineer
  • Former Executive Director, Arizona Family Research Institute
  • Former President, Children's Hope Scholarship Association
  • Former Director, Governor's Office for Children
  • Representative, United States House of Representatives, 2003-2017
  • Chair, Arizona Governor's Office for Children, Arizona State Cabinet, 1987
  • Representative, Arizona State House of Representatives, 1985-1987

Former Committees/Caucuses

Member, Anti-Terrorism Caucus

Former Member, Armed Services Committee

Former Member, Armed Services Committee, United States House of Representatives

Former Vice-Chair, Commerce Committee, Arizona State House of Representatives

Member, Congressional Caucus on Fraud and Abuse

Member, Congressional Hispanic Conference

Co-Founder, Congressional Israel Allies Caucus

Co-Chair, Congression Caucus on Adoption

Chair, Constitution Subcommittee, Judiciary Committee

Member, Driving Under the Influence Caucus

Member, Education Freedom Caucus

Member, Executive Committee, Tom Lantos Congressional Human Rights Commission

Former Member, House Working Group on Judicial Accountability

Former Member, House Working Group on Waste, Fraud and Abuse

Member, Human Rights Caucus

Member, India Caucus

Former Chair, Inter-Agency Study Committee on Children and AIDS

Co-Chair, International Religious Freedom Caucus

Co-Founder, International Religious Freedom Caucus

Co-Chair, International Religious Freedom Caucus

Former Member, Judiciary Committee, United States House of Representative

Member, Liberty Caucus

Chair, Missile Defense and Electromagnetic Pulse Caucus

Chair, National Security Working Group, Republican Study Committee

Co-Chair, Orphans and Vulnerable Children Caucus

Member, Refugee Caucus

Former Chair, Sub-Committee on Child Protection and Family Preservation, Arizona State House of Representatives

Former Member, Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, United States House of Representatives

Member, Tea Party Caucus

Chair, Voter Values Public Affairs Team, House Republican Conference

Religious, Civic, and other Memberships

  • Attended, Ottawa University, 1989-1990
  • Chief Executive Officer/President, Liberty Petroleum Corporation, present
  • President, Strategic Consulting, present
  • Former Oil Field and Drilling Engineer
  • Former Executive Director, Arizona Family Research Institute
  • Former President, Children's Hope Scholarship Association
  • Former Director, Governor's Office for Children
  • Representative, United States House of Representatives, 2003-2017
  • Chair, Arizona Governor's Office for Children, Arizona State Cabinet, 1987
  • Representative, Arizona State House of Representatives, 1985-1987
  • Member, North Phoenix Baptist Church, present
  • Former Chair, Arizona State Children's Cabinet
  • Former Chair, Children’s Hope Scholarship Foundation
  • Former Sunday School Teacher, North Phoenix Baptist Church Preschool Department

Other Info

Astrological Sign:


— Awards:

  • Friend of Education Award, Education Freedom Coalition;
  • Taxpayer Hero, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste;
  • Presidential Citation, President of the Philippines;
  • Champion of Property Rights, League of Private Property Voters;
  • Guardian of Seniors' Rights Award, 60 Plus Association;
  • Medicare Choices Leadership Award, Coalition for Medicare Choices, 2004;
  • True Blue Award, Family Research Council;
  • Spirit of Enterprise, U.S. Chamber of Commerce;
  • Constituent Communication Award, National Write Your Congressman;
  • Copper Scissors Award, A.M.I.G.O.S.;
  • Friend of Farm Bureau, American Farm Bureau Federation;
  • Lawmaker of the Year, Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc., 2004;
  • Thomas Jefferson Award, Food Distribution Industry;
  • Small Business Advocate, Americans for Tax Reform;
  • Tax Fighter Award, National Tax Limitation Committee;
  • Legislative Achievement Award, Seniors Coalition

Favorite Quote:

"Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say 'what should be the reward of such sacrifices?' Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!" - Samuel Adams-

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke-

"Christianity is not a crutch, it's a stretcher." - George Washington-

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill-

"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." --Abraham Lincoln

Priority Issues:

Life: Protect the Human Dignity and Constitutional right to life of all children born and unborn.

Faith: Protect and restore Religious Freedom for all members of the human family.

Family: Protect the right of all children to have a family and protect the right of parents to control the education and upbringing of their children.

Freedom: Protect America's National Security and protect all of humanity from Jihadist Terrorism.

Constitution: Protect the United States Constitution by reaffirming its timeless truths and principles in the hearts of Americans and influencing the appointment and confirmation of jurists who are committed to its original intent and purpose.

Policy Positions



Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
- Pro-life


In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
- No


Do you support mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offenders?
- Unknown Position


1. Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
- Unknown Position

2. Do you support lowering taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
- Yes


Do you generally support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
- No


1. Do you support building the Keystone XL pipeline?
- Yes

2. Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, thermal)?
- Yes


Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
- No


Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
- No

Health Care

Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
- Yes


Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
- Yes


Do you support same-sex marriage?
- No

National Security

Do you support increased American intervention in Iraq and Syria beyond air support?
- Yes

Social Security

Do you support allowing individuals to divert a portion of their Social Security taxes into personal retirement accounts?
- Yes

Congress Bills

The Hill - The Senate Must Act on the House-passed Appropriations Bills

Dec. 7, 2017

By Andy Biggs, Matt Gaetz, Dave Brat, Rod Blum, Tom Garrett, Paul Gosar, and Trent Franks The most fundamental role of Congress is to balance the national budget and eliminate our national debt. We have a deadline of Dec. 8 to authorize government spending or else "non-essential" government functions will be temporarily halted. Will we finish the work mandated by federal law, or will we use legislative duct tape and bailing wire to meet the deadline? Earlier this year, the House of Representatives passed twelve appropriations bills and sent them to the Senate. This was the first time in fourteen years we have done this as required by law. The Senate has done nothing, ignoring this legislation like it has more than three hundred other House-passed bills this year. And now we are told we must pass yet another stop-gap spending bill so we can keep the federal government going. Uh-oh -- looks like duct tape and bailing wire again. Why should we pass yet another short-term spending measure instead of acting on the budget the House has already passed? These short-term measures, known as continuing resolutions, have been used more than one hundred times since 1996. They are used to avoid actually budgeting -- something every family in America does day-in and day-out. Without the direct accountability of a budget, Congress will continue to spend our nation into oblivion. Without passing a responsible budget, including spending cuts and no increases to non-defense discretionary spending, we will continue the swampish, upside-down, out-of-whack, only-in-D.C. type of spending that will bankrupt this nation. Ten years ago, our national debt was an incredible $9 trillion. Just one decade of ineptitude has produced a debt that is now more than $20 trillion. Each American's portion of the national debt is nearly equivalent to $63,000, meaning a family of four has a total liability of almost $252,000. Given that the median household brings in about $60,000, this means the average family federal debt share quadruples their annual income -- and that's before taxes. What's more absurd is that Congress routinely raises its debt limit instead of addressing the problem of skyrocketing federal expenditures. We've raised our debt limit 78 times since 1960 -- effectively robbing the next generation of trillions in the process. Another complication is that we pay more than $260 billion in interest costs annually. Of our $20 trillion debt, more than $6 trillion is held by foreign countries. What if those nations decide to call our loans? This path is unsustainable and perilous. We receive an incredible amount of revenue, and yet we somehow overspend every year. We don't have a revenue problem -- we have a spending problem. Congress needs to address the elephant in the room and start cutting wasteful spending. We owe it to every American -- particularly our grandchildren -- to pass a real budget, to cut spending, to decrease our debt, and to stop borrowing money we cannot afford to repay. We should not continue our death spiral through short-term spending gimmicks like "continuing resolutions." Some will say that producing an honest budget would be historic. They may be right. But they are only correct because Congress has habitually neglected its foremost constitutional duty. This year, the House passed twelve appropriations bills and sent them to the Senate for action. It's past time for the Senate to take action on those bills. No more legislative duct tape and bailing wire! We can't afford them anyway.

USA Today - Mueller's Reveal Is a Nothingburger

Oct. 31, 2017

By Trent Franks In August, I explained that special counsel Robert Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Nothing in that regard has changed. What has changed is that there is mounting evidence making it even clearer that this investigation is compromised. What a coincidence: Information from the grand jury was leaked (the whole point of a grand jury is secrecy) last Friday to CNN that an indictment was coming Monday, causing every political pundit in the country to surmise about Russia/Trump ties and fueling the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump won the 2016 election because of Russian influence (and not because he campaigned in Michigan and Wisconsin). This, just as the GOP is on the brink of passing landmark, historic tax reform? Then, the big reveal occurs Monday morning -- it's a nothingburger. Paul Manafort has been investigated by the FBI since 2014. The FBI has been looking to charge him long before Trump was even on the political map. When Manafort's ties with a Russia-friendly Ukrainian politician became clear in August 2016, Trump immediately fired him. Then, the FBI raided Manafort's house over the summer and warned him then that he had a pending indictment. The 12-count indictment does not even mention the Trump campaign. If the American public has an insatiable appetite for Russian collusion stories, why don't we begin looking at one that's a little more substantiated: the Uranium One scandal. The Obama administration, knowing that Russia was extorting and bribing its way into the U.S. atomic energy industry, signed off on a deal allowing Moscow-backed Uranium One access to U.S. uranium reserves. While that deal was made, the Clinton Foundation received $2.35 million from Uranium One, and Bill Clinton got $500,000 for one speaking engagement. Now that's a story worth looking into.

The Most Dangerous National Security Threat No One's Talking About

Oct. 27, 2017

By Rep. Trent Franks The North Korean dictatorship boasted that they have tested a hydrogen bomb underground in September. Such a hydrogen bomb has the power to destroy Manhattan, killing 8.5 million New York City residents in a couple of seconds. But, there is a prospect potentially even more deadly and terrifying. A hydrogen bomb, exploded within Earth's atmosphere over a central location like Kansas could potentially mean "lights out' for the entire contiguous U.S.A. The electromagnetic pulse emitted from such an explosion in the atmosphere could destroy electronic devices for thousands of miles. This could include all the devices we regularly depend upon that require electronics to function -- vehicles, our water and plumbing systems, heating and air conditioning, refrigeration… just to name a few. Imagine if all of that suddenly stopped working. Without power, cities and population centers would become death traps since power is required to pump water and sewage, keep hospitals running, etc. Former CIA Director James Woolsey once warned that, in a worst-case scenario, 90% of the American population would ultimately die if an attack like this would occur. The phenomenon of nuclear blasts emitting Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) when they explode was first discovered/observed during the Starfish Prime event back in 1962 when a nuclear weapon was detonated 900 miles west-southwest of Hawaii. (We now know all nuclear weapons emit an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) when they explode). The EMP from the blast knocked out about 300 street lights, set off burglar alarms, and damaged a telephone company microwave link. It was realized EMP could destroy electronics. As of now, we do not have sufficient hardware fixes to prevent such a detonation from damaging or destroying our electric grid. We have already observed North Korea is capable of placing a warhead-sized payload into orbit, and we have observed they have detonated a 200 kiloton plus yield nuclear weapon. It is clear that they have all the components necessary to launch a major EMP attack. They have also threatened to do just that. Intent plus capacity equals threat. North Korea, Iran, Russia and China have all assimilated EMP attack into their military creeds. So what can we do? First, we need to strengthen and harden our national electric grid. To do so is not as expensive as the risk -- as Bryan Gabbard and Robert Joseph explained, the cost of hardening equipment to increase resilience could be as little as 3 percent more than existing capital investment for electrical grid upgrades. Since the grid is always being upgraded, we would just need to invest a little more to make sure this added defense layer is included. We must simultaneously ratchet up our missile defense capability and technology at flank speed. The House-passed NDAA includes an amendment I introduced to begin the development of a space-based missile defense layer; it passed with bipartisan support and it is my hope the Senate accedes to the House-passed language. A space-based missile defense layer would provide us with the ultimate high ground and ensure we could shoot down an enemy missile as it ascends -- when it is most vulnerable. This "boost-phase defense" is a capability we currently do not have. Furthermore, we must increase our Ground-Based Interceptor inventory to 100. These GBIs are currently the first and last line of defense against any nuclear missile attack directed toward the American Homeland. It is also imperative that we do what is necessary to dismantle North Korea's nuclear capability and prevent Iran from gaining such capability. These dangerous and escalating situations cannot be allowed to continue on their present path under any circumstances. The time for naiveté is over. Congress must act now to allocate the appropriate funds so we can be prepared for an EMP attack on American soil.