Terry C. Baxter is a Republican member of the Iowa House of Representatives, representing District 8. He was first elected to the chamber in 2014.
Former Member, Environmental Protection Committee, Iowa State House of Representatives
Former Vice Chair, Ethics Committee, Iowa State House of Representatives
Former Chair, International Relations Committee
Former Member, Judiciary Committee, Iowa State House of Representatives
Former Member, Local Government Committee, Iowa State House of Representatives
Former Member, Public Safety Committee, Iowa State House of Representatives
Former Vice Chair, Subcommittee on Economic Development (Joint Appropriations)
Former Member, Veterans Affairs Committee, Iowa State House of Representatives
Member, Agriculture Committee
Member, Economic Growth Committee
Vice Chair, Government Oversight Committee
Co-Chair, Iowa Commission on Interstate Cooperation
Member, Natural Resources Committee
Vice Chair, Subcommittee on International Relations
Date of Wedding Anniversary:
November 23, 1979
Favorite Quote:
"He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose!"
Priority Issues:
*Life-long Republican, fiscal conservative, free market economic principles, private sector job creation, defender of freedom, the Constitution, and the Second Amendment.