Steven D. McCleerey is a Democratic member of the South Dakota House of Representatives, representing District 1. He was first elected to the chamber in 2014.
Former Member, Education Committee, South Dakota State House of Representatives
Former Member, Health and Human Services Committee, South Dakota State House of Representatives
Member, Agricultural Land Assessment Task Force
Member, Commerce and Energy Committee
Member, Joint Committee on Retirement Laws
Member, Military and Veteran Affairs Committee
Member, Retirement Laws Committee
Member, State Affairs Committee
Hobbies or Special Talents:
I absolutely love farming and spending time with family and friends
Reason for Seeking Public Office:
When asked, "what motivated you to run ",
I am running because I really enjoy working with and meeting new people, as well as serving others. The opportunity to run for District 1 House Representative is a call to serve and it would truly be an honor to hold this position, and most importantly, be an advocate for positive change in District 1 and beyond.