1. Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
- Pro-life
2. Other or expanded principles
- I most definitely support pain-capable severe regulation of abortion (e.g. 20 weeks) with few exceptions. I do support a new Justice to replace Anthony Kennedy along the lines discussed by President Trump and Leonard Leo. Revisit Roe v. Wade with legislation and judicial rulings which while protecting the mothers, also strongly recognize the right to life of the not-yet-born. It would not overturn Roe but would greatly modify it. And other cases and legislation to INFORM the parents that that is a HUMAN BEING they are considering terminating.
1. In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
- No
2. In order to balance the budget, do you support reducing defense spending?
- No
3. Other or expanded principles
- First of all we are not close to balancing the budget. And we're quashing the state's economies by accumulating too much revenue in the federal government. We need to merge and eliminate federal departments and shift federal functions back to the states, with related tax cuts. For instance Education, Commerce, EPA, Human Services, Energy, Transportation, Labor, HUD and housing finance, EEOC and Interior. We need more land grants to develop the states, such as universities, to lower tuition and expand teaching and computerized learning.
1. Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
- No
2. Other or expanded principles
- I support the general judicial trend away from banning funds for speech during elections. Paid speech is less relevant as social media elections use rises and it is unconstitutional to bar use of funds in an election for engaging in free speech in my opinion. I support Citizens United. I support the Janus decision. I support making the email addresses of voters voluntarily submitted being made available to candidates for appropriate use and oppose the mercenary selling of these. With real free speech these partisan, divisive issues will fade in importance.
1. Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
- No
2. Do you support lowering corporate taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
- Yes
3. Other or expanded principles
- I support the Trump tax cuts, although I think they have to be revised to lower middle class tax cuts . We need to help our corporations as we seek to even the trade playing field. As far as federal spending, of course defense involves federal spending, but that is necessary to build a strong defense and not for economic advantage of industries or states. I do support the national security protection for steel and aluminum and the resulting jobs in northern Minnesota hard hit by the flight of steel production overseas however. As restoration.
1. Do you support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
- No
2. Other or expanded principles
- I support local control of education, and private opportunities. James J. Hill is a wonderful example of the kind of man a private academy can produce, or woman. The tyranny of public schools is stultifying. Their purpose is to provide a baseline education so all our citizens can understand the voting decisions necessary to maintain a republic, but they are monopolizing education to our great detriment. Rather than teach to strengthen the republic they are attacking the republic, attacking America, polarizing us and actually HURTING the opportunity of our students to lern.
1. Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, thermal)?
- Yes
2. Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
- No
3. Other or expanded principles
- States such as California and other smog factories should look after their own environment. They should encourage the advancement of clean energy and manufacturing, but cap and trade is cynical and ineffective. Design of highways is a major cause of pollution and transportation should transfer back to the states. I support funding of renewable energy only when it actually renews real energy sources, i.e. to sell in the marketplace, not just to supplement energy for private farms. Some significant surplus energy for sale must be attained.
1. Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
- No
2. Other or expanded principles
- "Gun control." No. Well-regulated, yes, meaning a recognition that our society is safer when self-defense and check on government tyranny is secured by militia under the Second Amendment. I do not blame the 2nd Amendment for every insane crime involving a firearm, I blame the failure of the police, of school officials, of city officials and businesses not spotting the plot for the outrage. The proper role of gun-owners can stop these more effectively such as the mass stabbing by Dahir Adan in St. Cloud stopped by an armed officer from another jurisdiction. Defense permits liberty.
1. Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
- Yes
2. Other or expanded principles
- I supported the repeal of the individual mandate. Obamacare has been a major disaster Democrats blindly supported. The proper role of the federal government in health care is promoting the saving of lives and suffering by promoting health including the regulation of food and products for sale, and protections against endangering the public. I don't want the employer mandate to go into effect. While pre-existing conditions like breast cancer must be insured, it's even more important that we fight these diseases, as the BCCPTA does, not just do creative, and ultimately fruitless bookkeeping.
1. Do you support the construction of a wall along the Mexican border?
- Yes
2. Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
- Yes
3. Other or expanded principles
- I support building the wall for the purposes of fostering security and community. Not just building the border to separate and alienate the peoples of Mexico and the US from one another, but to encourage investment and human rights and quality of life on both sides of the border. This border area has been seen as a wasteland because Mexico has never been concerned about it. But there are 10 Mexican border states to work with. Support Trump that good people needed could come back to employers if truly needed. But we need American jobs they have.
1. Do you support the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes?
- No
2. Other or expanded principles
- I certainly don't "support" it. It's the kind of thing a state might allow if carefully considered and regulated. It's bad and dangerous for children and stunts their mental development, and schools need to teach this and to lead the children away through drug education programs at the proper time and place, and to allow God and spiritual growth as well as social growth in the schools. Obviously responsible use must be required. No operating vehicles or equipment or being intoxicated on the job. I'm concerned about pot and politics in several states like Colorado.
1. Should the United States use military force in order to prevent governments hostile to the U.S. from possessing a nuclear weapon?
- Yes
2. Do you support increased American intervention in Middle Eastern conflicts beyond air support?
- Yes
3. Other or expanded principles
- We need to be prepared to combine military preparation and if necessary, force with serious diplomacy and sanctions to bring and end to deadly perils, many remaining from unended wars. North Korea is a good example. We're have combined military forces there with South Korea. We need to be real with China and Russia with both military arrangements AND economic relations to end this scourge IF POSSIBLE. I was born in Alamagordo, NM five years after the first bomb. It's REAL. We must work with Russia to seek lasting peace. Robert Mueller has got to go NOW. Finished.
Please explain in a total of 100 words or less, your top two or three priorities if elected. If they require additional funding for implementation, please explain how you would obtain this funding.
- Immigration is one. The wall will be funded by Mexico, through a tax on remittances to Mexico, and fees for border crossings. But the result will be massive economic development on both sides of the border wall, which should be integrated to maintain security, community and development. Another is national security. Shift costly federal programs back to the states and concentrate on core functions of the federal government under the Constitution. Legal system has to be reined in to their proper role as a branch, and unflaggingly address all appropriate legal issues. Congressional funding