Chair, Inland Empire Region of the California Democratic Party Rural Caucus, 2015-present
Member, Organizational Development Committee, 2017
Chair, Rural Caucus Bylaws Committee, 2017
Chair, Inland Empire Region of the California Democratic Party Rural Caucus, 2015-present
Member, Organizational Development Committee, 2017
Chair, Rural Caucus Bylaws Committee, 2017
— Awards:
1. Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
- Pro-choice
2. Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape?
- Yes
3. Do you support the prohibition of public funds for organizations that perform abortions?
- No
4. Other or expanded principles
- I am for the constitutional right to privacy over one's own body and the right to make a decision not to reproduce AND I am for the fulfillment of the unrealized rights enshrined in Roe v. Wade:
Universal access to contraception.
Full access to abortion.
Protection against pregnancy discrimination
Paid parental leave without the threat of being terminated.
1. Reducing state employee salaries AND/OR pensions?
- No
2. Instituting mandatory furloughs AND/OR layoffs for state employees?
- No
3. Reducing benefits for Medicaid recipients?
- No
4. An income tax increase on any tax bracket?
- Yes
5. Other or expanded principles
- I am for reasonable caps on number of pensions per person and maximum amount one person may be entitled to. I am for shifting federal money now being used to fund the overbudgeted military industrial complex and all of their hefty contracts to state employee payroll and other state needs and services. I am for shifting excessive military funding to support the clean energy industry and services that will ease the transition from the petroleum industry in areas where the economy is now heavily dependent upon gas/oil--like Bakersfield, California.
1. Do you support any limits on campaign contributions to state candidates?
- Yes
2. Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
- Yes
3. Do you support the use of an independent AND/OR bipartisan commission for redistricting?
- Yes
4. Do you support requiring a government-issued photo identification in order to vote at the polls?
- No
5. Do you support repealing California's nonpartisan blanket primary election system?
- No
6. Other or expanded principles
- For example, many corporations are owned by the Koch brothers and we don't know all of the corporations that they own. Is it fair that they are allowed to contribute to a candidate through these corporations so that they are given the opportunity to contribute more than anyone else and have a greater influence than anyone else who is only allowed to contribute as one person? No it is not fair. END THIS DARK MONEY. So bad...look at my opponent with her hundreds of thousands much of it coming from corporations, probably owned by the Koch brothers, who knows?
1. Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes?
- No
2. Do you support the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes?
- Yes
3. Should a minor accused of a violent crime be prosecuted as an adult?
- No
4. Do you support the enforcement of federal immigration laws by state and local police?
- No
5. Other or expanded principles
- I also support a prohibition on driving, working and parenting under the influence of alcohol and drugs that impair mental capacity.
1. Do you support state government spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
- Yes
2. Do you support lowering state taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
- No
3. Do you support reducing state government regulations on the private sector?
- No
4. Do you support expanding access to unemployment benefits?
- Yes
5. Do you support requiring welfare applicants to pass a drug test in order to receive benefits?
- No
6. Do you support an increase of the minimum wage of California?
- Yes
7. Do you support expanding state public housing programs?
- Yes
8. Other or expanded principles
- I support federal funds being shifted from the oversized military industrial complex contracts to the most populated states, like California, to be used for education, housing, social programs, art, science, literature, theatre, creativity, peacetime employment, enhancing California's infrastructure like repairing leaky pipes, high tech solar desalination and water treatment plants, solar roads, transportation services, celebration of the outdoors, improving the quality of our air and water, protecting and preserving our native plants and animals, supplementing payroll for small start-up career-creating businesses, finding a cure for Valley Fever and expanding CSUSB by developing PhD programs such as a medical school facility.
1. Do you support adopting federal education standards in California?
- Yes
2. Do you support state funding for charter schools?
- No
3. Should immigrants unlawfully present in the United States who graduate from California high schools be eligible for in-state tuition at public universities?
- Yes
4. Other or expanded principles
- a) Since Federal Education Standards change and can be Trumpicated, California needs its own education standards superior to the federal standards. For World Class Education--Teacher compensation should be minimally what other state credentialed employees receive, and at a level to attract world-class educators. Common Core is important but I am aware of issues with linking pay to student performance. Support: free Early Childhood Education programs with second language training and two years of college; art, theatre, music, outdoor habitat appreciation, technology, apprenticeships, household maintenance...b) Pulling funds away from our public schools weakens our ability to provide world-class education for all.
1. Do you support state funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, thermal)?
- Yes
2. Do you support state government regulations of greenhouse gas emissions?
- Yes
3. Do you support increasing state funding for clean drinking water initiatives?
- Yes
4. Do you support permanent statewide water usage restrictions?
- Yes
5. Other or expanded principles
- e-1) I support a revision of the state water law that would prohibit privatized deliveries of groundwater away (off site) from areas above the aquifer from which it is being extracted. e-2) I am opposed to state water sales to PRIVATE water banks (like the Kern Water Bank with majority interest being private) from which the state then repurchases lesser quality water at a higher cost than what it was sold for. e-3) I support the concept of a State Bank into which profits from state water sales are kept for investment into affordable housing projects for those in need.
1. Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
- Yes
2. Should background checks be required on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows?
- Yes
3. Should teachers be allowed to bring guns into the classroom?
- No
4. Should a license be required for gun ownership?
- Yes
5. Other or expanded principles
- There is no constitutional prohibition on licensing. There should be a prohibition against greed that leads some to sell guns to people who they know have behavioral health issues. Such a prohibition is called "licensing." Greed such as that of the NRA must be reigned in. Restrictions on licenses should be for sensible reasons: prior proven acts of violence, known mental health problems, etc. Hunters take safety tests before they are issues hunting licenses. Such safety tests should be required prior to gun licensing. Wacky extreme interpretations of 2nd Amendment would lead to the frightening personal ownership of nuclear weapons.
1. Should the state government increase funding for treatment facilities to combat opioid abuse?
- Yes
2. Do you support Medicaid expansion through California's health care programs?
- Yes
3. Do you support requiring individuals to purchase health care insurance?
- Yes
4. Do you support legislation that grants citizens the right to choose to die through euthanasia?
- Yes
5. Do you support eliminating religious exemptions for vaccinations?
- Yes
6. Other or expanded principles
- a) should be federal funding from penalties on abusive opiod production companies and doctors who are overprescribing.c) I would change the word "purchase" to "acquire." Acquiring health care insurance should be an "enrollment" process, not a "purchase" process. Healthcare should take priority over at least 1% of the funds now going to the U. S. military budget. Healthcare should be a perk for being a U. S. Citizen and spending your money here at least 9 months out of the year.
1. Do you support the inclusion of sexual orientation in California's anti-discrimination laws?
- Yes
2. Do you support the inclusion of gender identity in California's anti-discrimination laws?
- Yes
3. Do you support greater efforts by California state government in closing the pay gap between men and women?
- Yes
4. Do you support California's "Sanctuary State" immigration policies?
- Yes
5. Other or expanded principles
- All of the above are answered in the affirmative without even the slightest hesitation. It always blows me away that we must still ask these questions of our candidates...can we just get on with health, happiness, liberty, and justice for ALL?
In the following area, please explain in a total of 100 words or less, your top two or three priorities if elected. If they require additional funding for implementation, please explain how you would obtain this funding.
- 1) Expunge language in state law that legalizes corporate water privatization for off-site deliveries. Prohibit the downdraft of the East Mojave Desert aquifer for off-site export and delivery.2) Create State Bank for profits from state water sales; fund ECE, college, low-income housing. 3) Support: Single-Payer Healthcare; Medical School at CSUB; Cure for Valley Fever; Subsidize transition to Clean Energy; Gun Sense Action; Air Quality Containment and Water Access Justice in the San Joaquin Valley; Environmental Justice and Responsibility (require corporations to clean up their own messes and stop burdening taxpayers); Campaign Contribution Reform; Educator Compensation to attract best teachers.