In 2011, Schaufler's use of campaign funds came into question for expenditures that allegedly did not have a direct connection to campaigning. According to records, Shell Oil paid in part for a trip Schaufler took to northern Alberta to inspect the Canadian tar sands. Schaufler's campaign expenditure report, meanwhile, shows he charged an additional $2,859 to his campaign account for travel and lodging during the trip. Between January 1, 2009, and early 2011, Schaufler's expenditures included almost $6,000 for 91 visits to Magoo's, a bar in Salem, and $2,434 for 68 visits to another bar. In 2010, he also charged $696 for his Comcast bill, $213 for an Oregonian subscription, and $262 for Starbucks purchases. State elections director Steve Trout said the expenditures all seem to be legal - state statute says funds can be used for "any lawful purpose."