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Policy Positions

Campaign themes


Lynch listed the following issues on his campaign website:

  • New Leadership To Do What’s Right: "As an attorney and leader in Bainbridge Township, I first ran for office to stop the wasteful spending and tax hikes plaguing the Board of Trustees. I won and my first order of business was cutting my own pay. Over the next four years I led the way to cut the fat and reduced annual expenditures by 17%. In Columbus I stood against my own Party and voted against increases in the sales tax and real estate taxes. That’s the kind of leadership and fiscal restraint I will bring to Washington."
  • Illegal Immigration: "We will never solve the illegal immigration problem until we secure our borders. Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million illegals in 1986 in good faith but the politicians failed to deal with our open borders. The result: at least 15 million additional illegals here today! The burden on our schools, health care system and criminal justice system is enormous… estimated at a over 80 Billion Dollars each year!. We cannot repeat this mistake! Yet both Democrats and Republicans are about to do it again…the Democrats see a new crop of Democrat voters while Republican corporate interests see a source of cheap labor while the American people suffer the consequences."
  • Presidential Power: "Congress has for too long abandoned its responsibility and allowed the President to exercise power far beyond Constitutional limits. I will not tolerate a President who uses his “pen and phone” to destroy the separation of powers so vital to our Republic. Personal liberty cannot survive if any man, especially the President, is the law unto himself. We need statesmen in Washington that are not afraid to stand up against the abuse of power demonstrated in Executive Orders."
  • Obamacare: "We will never release the potential of our people if we cannot get government off our backs! There is no greater danger to our liberty and prosperity than the cost and burden of Obamacare. It needs to be repealed…plain and simple. Gutless Republicans take meaningless votes against it but fail to DEFUND OBAMACARE which is the one thing that actually would protect Americans."
  • Spending & the Debt: "No amount of happy talk will solve our debt problems until we get spending under control. Establishment Republicans only seem interested in managing big government but not actually shrinking government. I’ll work with anyone to stop the insane spending but I will never agree to more debt in the name of bipartisanship."
  • Energy & Jobs: "Creating jobs and protecting the environment are not conflicting ideas. Natural gas wells are creating thousands of jobs while offering cheap energy to consumers. It’s the kick-start our economy needs. We need to build the Keystone pipeline and encourage domestic energy production."
  • Liberty: "I will always respect the values and wisdom of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence which have been the foundation of our prosperity for over 200 years!"


Lynch's website listed the following campaign themes:

  • Create Jobs: "If we are to prevent our state from falling into the same downward economic spiral as other industrial states, such as Michigan, we must make wholesale changes on two critical issues: taxes and state government restructuring. We must ecognize that government does not create jobs. In fact 60% to 70% of all new jobs are created by small business. The state must create an environment where small business can grow and prosper."
  • Eliminate Taxes: "It is no mystery that as the Ohio tax burden has grown, the Ohio economy has shrunk! This high level of taxation keeps businesses from moving to the Buckeye State. Sadly this in turn drives our college graduates to other states in search of jobs. A recent survey noted that 60% of recent graduates planned to leave Ohio to pursue their career! We simply cannot afford such a “brain drain”."
  • Reform Government: "We must cut the state budget enough to begin actually eliminating the state income tax. Deep cuts in the state’s bureaucracy, such as Ohio’s state Medicaid system, which is 40% costlier than the national average, are not unrealistic. By targeting these spending excesses, our legislature could reduce the state budget to the point where a state income tax would be unnecessary."
  • Right To Life: "There are two Bills working their way through the legislature which could dramatically reduce abortions in Ohio. Either of these “Heartbeat” Bills would give Ohio among the strictest abortion laws in the United States and save thousands of lives of the unborn. Sadly, these bills have become bogged down in the legislature. If elected, I am committed to carrying the moral and political fight forward to protect these most innocent of lives!"