Chair, State Rehabilitation Council, New Hampshire, present
President, Board of Directors, Federation of Families of Children with Mental Health Issues, Granite State
Member, Council on Autism Spectrum Disorders, New Hampshire
Former Chair, Council on Developmental Disabilities, New Hampshire
Member, Federal Review Team for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Former Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee, New Hampshire State House of Representatives
Former Vice-Chair, Legislative Task Force on Foster Care and Adoption Issues, New Hampshire
Member, Special Education Parent Survey Committee, New Hampshire
Member, Statewide Standardized Plan Advisory Committee
— Awards:
Favorite Musician:
Kellie Pickler
Favorite Quote:
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
"You create your own universe as you go along." (Winston Churchill)
Favorite TV Shows:
Type: bill Chamber: upper
Type: bill Chamber: upper
Type: bill Chamber: upper