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John Barrasso



7171124.62 3736138.70 7392758.98 0.00

Financial Summary May 25, 2024 14:46 ET

Period Receipts Disbursements CashOnHand DebtsLoans
7171124.62 3736138.70 7392758.98 0.00
7171124.62 3736138.70 7392758.98 0.00
Source:Federal Election Commission
Total Raised
Total receipts$4,281,899.49
Total receipts$4,281,899.49
Total contributions$3,513,847.7582.06%
Total contributions$3,513,847.7582.06%
Total individual contributions$1,847,477.75
Total individual contributions$1,847,477.75
Itemized individual contributions$1,707,666.91
Itemized individual contributions$1,707,666.91
Unitemized individual contributions$139,810.84
Unitemized individual contributions$139,810.84
Party committee contributions$0.00
Party committee contributions$0.00
Other committee contributions$1,666,370.00
Other committee contributions$1,666,370.00
Candidate contributions$0.00
Candidate contributions$0.00
Transfers from other authorized committees$768,051.7417.94%
Transfers from other authorized committees$768,051.7417.94%
Total loans received$0.000%
Total loans received$0.000%
Loans made by candidate$0.00
Loans made by candidate$0.00
Other loans$0.00
Other loans$0.00
Offsets to operating expenditures$0.000%
Offsets to operating expenditures$0.000%
Other receipts$0.000%
Other receipts$0.000%
Total Spent
Total disbursements$1,376,717.00
Total disbursements$1,376,717.00
Operating expenditures$1,286,206.4693.43%
Operating expenditures$1,286,206.4693.43%
Transfers to other authorized committees$0.000%
Transfers to other authorized committees$0.000%
Total contribution refunds$34,710.542.52%
Total contribution refunds$34,710.542.52%
Individual refunds$36,210.54
Individual refunds$36,210.54
Political party refunds$0.00
Political party refunds$0.00
Other committee refunds$-1,500.00
Other committee refunds$-1,500.00
Total loan repayments$0.000%
Total loan repayments$0.000%
Candidate loan repayments$0.00
Candidate loan repayments$0.00
Other loan repayments$0.00
Other loan repayments$0.00
Other disbursements$55,800.004.05%
Other disbursements$55,800.004.05%
Cash Summary
Ending cash on hand$7,392,758.98
Ending cash on hand$7,392,758.98
Debts/loans owed to committee$0.00
Debts/loans owed to committee$0.00
Debts/loans owed by committee$0.00
Debts/loans owed by committee$0.00




Coverage dates: - GO

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