Former Ranking Member, Commerce Committee, Iowa State Senate
Former Member, Government Oversight Committee, Iowa State Senate
Former Member, Natural Resources and Environment Committee, Iowa State Senate
Former Member, State Government Committee, Iowa State Senate
Former Member, Subcommittee on Transportation, Infrastructure, and Capitals Appropriations, Iowa State Senate
Former Member, Ways and Means Committee, Iowa State Senate
Member, Commerce Committee
Member, Iowa Commission on Interstate Cooperation
Member, Joint Committee on Administration
Member, Joint Committee on Service
Member, Joint Committee on Studies
Member, Judiciary Committee
Member, Legislative Council
Ranking Member, Rules and Administration Committee
Priority Issues:
As a mother of young children, Janet has fought for a better child care system and access to quality preschool for Iowa families. She believes a solid education is the key to a successful future. Janet is also an advocate for smokefree air. In 2008, she sponsored Iowa's Smokefree Air Act which was signed into law that year. The law is considered one of the strongest smokefree air acts in the country, protecting more than 99 percent of Iowa's workforce from the dangers of secondhand smoke.
Spouse's Occupation:
Works for Principal Global Investors
Type: resolution Chamber: upper
Type: bill Chamber: upper
Type: bill Chamber: upper
Wed 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM CDT
Iowa Senate Democrats Des Moines, IA
Mon 6:00 AM – 1:00 PM CST
Iowa State Capitol Des Moines, IA