Chair, Catlin Zoning Board of Appeals, 2001-present
Republican Spokesperson, Executive Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives, present
Member, Festival of Trees Steering Committee, present
Former Member, Aging Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Member, Agriculture and Conservation Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Republican Spokesperson, Community College Access and Affordability Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Member, Environment Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Ranking Minority Member, Executive Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Republican Spokesperson, Health Care Availability Access Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Ranking Minority Member, Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Member, Health Care Licenses Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Member, Higher Education Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Member, Insurance: Property & Casualty Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Member, Public Utilities Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Member, State Government Administration Committee, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Member, Subcommittee on Gaming, Illinois State House of Representatives
Former Member, Subcommittee on Special Matters, Illinois State House of Representatives
Chair, Vermilion County Mayors Council, 1992-1999
— Number of Grandchildren:
Type: constitutional amendment Chamber: lower
Type: bill Chamber: lower
Type: resolution Chamber: lower