The St Clair County Republican Central Committee issued a censure of Romanik in 2016. The Censure Motion claimed: “ Republican Candidate for State Representative, Bob Romanik has proclaimed on his radio show “I am not a Republican” and “I am a Democrat”. At a meeting called to discuss “The Future of the Republican Party” on April 6th, Romanik said, "Fuck the Republican Party." Romanik has intimidated political persons, which whom he does not agree, with threats of character assassination. Romanik verbally assaulted a Republican candidate for Judge on April 6th. Romanik on his radio show on April 7, malign the character of the Chairman of the Republican Central Committee with materially false statements. Romanik has stated at a SCCRCC event that he intends to give Democratic Precinct Committeemen $5,000 each to work their Precincts in East St. Louis. Romanik has caused the printing, public distribution and mailing of tasteless imagery of public officials in contradiction to any standards of decency of our Party. Romanik continuously uses profane language on and off the air in a political context that does not reflect proper decorum of our Party. Romanik has hosted a fundraiser for a Democratic candidate for County Board in opposition to a Republican candidate for the same office. ” Because of this, the St. Clair County Republican Party said, "The SCCRCC expresses its official displeasure and vehement disapproval of the aforesaid language, actions and behavior of Bob Romanik and adopts this measure as a formal and stern rebuke." In response, Romanik wrote, “ These few idiots, who calls themselves the St. Clair County Republican leaders, leaders of a very weak, very small, failed organization, a total disgrace to all the proud and productive true Republicans in St. Clair County, can’t censure me because these few idiots don’t have the right, nor the power. ” He added, “Only my constituents of the 114th Legislative District of Illinois can censure me by not voting for me.”