Bob Genetski
RWon the General, 2012 Michigan State Representative District 80
Executive Committee Member, Allegan County GOP (2006 - Present)
To be claimed
Republican Executive Committee, Allegan County
Republican Executive Committee, Allegan County
— Father's Name:
— Father's Occupation:
Favorite President and Why:
Ronald Reagan - He was truly a great leader who knew that government is not the solution, but the problem. His leadership and free market thinking is an inspiration to me and my campaign.
First Job:
I spent summers corn detassling!
— Publications:
Genetski was convicted of drunk driving on September 25, 2012. His driver license was suspended for one year beginning on April 9, 2012. The decision stemmed from Genetski's arrest on January 19, 2012, for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol. He reportedly refused to take a breathalyzer test after begin stopped by a Michigan State University police officer.