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Quick Facts
Personal Details

Caucuses/Former Committees

Member, Chinese Drywall Caucus, present

Member, Republican Study Committee, present

Former Member, Environment Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Housing and Insurance Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Oversight Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Space Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (Financial Services), United States House of Representatives


  • AA, Brevard Community College, 1969

Professional Experience

  • AA, Brevard Community College, 1969
  • Founder/President, Posey and Company Realtors, 1974-present
  • Director, American Cancer Society
  • Former Director, Florida Association of Realtors
  • Director, Florida Space Authority
  • Former Employee, Kennedy Space Center
  • Author, "Activity Based Total Accountability", 2006
  • Claims Adjuster, Crawford & Company/Gay and Taylor, 1970-1974
  • Quality Control, McDonnel Douglas Astronautics, 1966-1969

Political Experience

  • AA, Brevard Community College, 1969
  • Founder/President, Posey and Company Realtors, 1974-present
  • Director, American Cancer Society
  • Former Director, Florida Association of Realtors
  • Director, Florida Space Authority
  • Former Employee, Kennedy Space Center
  • Author, "Activity Based Total Accountability", 2006
  • Claims Adjuster, Crawford & Company/Gay and Taylor, 1970-1974
  • Quality Control, McDonnel Douglas Astronautics, 1966-1969
  • Representative, United States House of Representatives, Florida, District 8, 2013-present
  • Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Florida, District 8, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020
  • Representative, United States House of Representatives, Florida, District 15, 2009-2013
  • Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Florida, District 15, 2008, 2010
  • Senator, Florida State Senate, District 24, 2001-2008
  • Representative, Florida State House of Representatives, 1992-2000
  • Member, Rockledge City Council, 1976-1986

Former Committees/Caucuses

Member, Chinese Drywall Caucus, present

Member, Republican Study Committee, present

Former Member, Environment Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Housing and Insurance Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Oversight Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Former Member, Space Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives

Current Legislative Committees

Member, Committee on Financial Services

Member, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

Member, Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions

Member, Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development and Insurance

Member, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics

Religious, Civic, and other Memberships

  • AA, Brevard Community College, 1969
  • Founder/President, Posey and Company Realtors, 1974-present
  • Director, American Cancer Society
  • Former Director, Florida Association of Realtors
  • Director, Florida Space Authority
  • Former Employee, Kennedy Space Center
  • Author, "Activity Based Total Accountability", 2006
  • Claims Adjuster, Crawford & Company/Gay and Taylor, 1970-1974
  • Quality Control, McDonnel Douglas Astronautics, 1966-1969
  • Representative, United States House of Representatives, Florida, District 8, 2013-present
  • Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Florida, District 8, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020
  • Representative, United States House of Representatives, Florida, District 15, 2009-2013
  • Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Florida, District 15, 2008, 2010
  • Senator, Florida State Senate, District 24, 2001-2008
  • Representative, Florida State House of Representatives, 1992-2000
  • Member, Rockledge City Council, 1976-1986
  • Member, Blue Ribbon Commission on Education Governance, present
  • President, Kiwanis Club of Rockledge, present
  • Member, Academic Club
  • Member, Civilian Military Relations Council
  • Member, County Mental Health Association
  • Director, Florida Space Finance Corporation
  • Former Member, Governor's Task Force on Workman's Compensation
  • Member, High School Advisory Committee
  • Member, Middle School Advisory Committee
  • Former President, Space Coast Association of Realtors
  • Board Member, Spaceport Florida Authority
  • Trustee, United Methodist Church
  • Member, Vocational Advisory Committee
  • Member, Constitutional Transition Task Force, 1998-2000
  • Member, Rockledge Business and Industrial Development Committee, 1986-1992
  • President, Cape Kennedy Area Board of Realtors, 1985
  • President, United Methodist Men, 1977
  • Member, Rockledge Planning Commission, 1974-1976

Other Info

— Awards:

  • Bill is an accomplished stock car racer, having received the award for short track driver achievement in memory of Davey & Clifford Allison presented by Bobby & Judy Allison.

    American Legislative Exchange Council "1999 Legislator of the Year"

  • Brevard Young Republican Club "Legislator of the Year"
  • City of Palm Bay "Senator of the Year"
  • Farm Bureau "Distinguished Farm Service Award"
  • Florida Cattlemen's Association "Senator of the Year"
  • Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association "Legislator of the Year"
  • Florida Legislative Alliance "Legislator of the Year"
  • Florida Workers Advocates "Legislator of the Year"
  • Police Benevolent Association "Distinguished Legislator Award"

    American Cancer Society "Legislative Award"

  • American Heart Association "Appreciation"
  • American Heart Association "our Many Thanks"
  • American Society for Industrial Security "Appreciation"
  • Americans For Tax Reform "Highly Commended"
  • The American Farm Bureau Federation's "Friend of Farm Bureau" Award
  • Associated Industries of Florida "Champion for Business"
  • Christian Coalition "Friend of the Family"
  • Citizens For A Sound Economy "Honorary Membership"
  • Citizens for Constitutional Property Rights "One Person Can Make A Difference"
  • Citizens for Florida's Waterways "Grateful Appreciation"
  • Autism Society "For Your Commitment To Our Special Children"
  • Brevard County Public Schools "Appreciation" (multiple)
  • Brevard Cultural Alliance "Appreciation" (multiple)
  • City of Titusville "Leadership in passing SPACE FLORIDA"
  • City of Palm Bay "Commendation"
  • Coalition for the Hungry & Homeless "Appreciation"
  • Coastal Conservation Association (formerly Florida Conservation Assn) "Legislative Award"
  • Cocoa Beach Women's Club "Appreciation"
  • Devereaux Foundation "Appreciation" (multiple)
  • East Central Florida Memory Disorder Clinic "Appreciation"
  • FASA "Superior Contributions to Public Education"
  • Florida Association of Counties "County Champion"
  • Florida Association of School Administrators "For Superior Contributions To Public Education"
  • Florida State Assn of Supervisors of Elections -"Leadership Award" 2006
  • Florida Chamber of Commerce "Distinguished Advocate"
  • Florida Council on Crime & Delinquency "Appreciation"
  • Florida Dept of Health & Brevard County Health Dept. "Appreciation"
  • Florida Farm Bureau "Agricultural Service Award"
  • Florida Housing Coalition "For supporting Housing needs of low income Floridians"
  • Florida March of Dimes "Appreciation"
  • Florida League of Cities "Quality Floridian" (twice)
  • Florida League of Cities "Defender of Home Rule"
  • Florida Preservation & Education Trust "Outstanding Support"
  • Florida Professional Firefighters " -- UK essay
  • Florida Sheriffs Association "Legislative Award"
  • Florida Silver Haired Legislature "Exemplary Service Award"
  • Florida Silver Haired Legislature "Appreciation"
  • Florida Silver Haired Legislature "For Legislative Representation & Advocacy"
  • Florida Space Business Roundtable "Florida Space Booster Award"
  • Florida Supervisors of Elections "Leadership Award -- for historic passage of the 2001 Florida Elections Reform Act "
  • Fraternal Order of Police "Deep Appreciation"
  • Fraternal Order of Police "Legislative Appreciation"
  • Fraternal Order of Police "Support & Dedication to the Law Enforcement Community"
  • Grass Roots Alliance "Friend of the Taxpayer"
  • Indian River Community College "Appreciation"
  • Indian River County Substance Abuse Council "For supporting Prevention Programs"
  • International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals "For Protecting Injured Workers"
  • Junior League of South Brevard "Appreciation"
  • Private Industry Council "Outstanding Commitment to Job Training"
  • Space Coast Defense Alliance & Economic Development Commission "Victory Award"
  • Space Coast League of Cities "Appreciation"
  • STOP / Stop Turning Out Prisoners "Appreciation"
  • Substance Abuse Council "For Supporting Prevention Programs"
  • Suntree Area Business Association "Appreciation"
  • Treasure Coast Chambers of Commerce "Sincere Appreciation"
  • United Way "Appreciation" (multiple)
  • United We Stand America "Legislative Leadership Award"
  • Family Research Council Action "True Blue Award"

    Brevard Community College "Distinguished Alumnus"

  • Brevard Federation of Teachers "Apple -- You Make A Difference Award"
  • Boy Scouts of America "Golden Eagle" Honoree
  • Center For Drug Free Living "For Your Continued Support & Commitment"
  • Center for Drug Free Living "Web of Caring Award"
  • Child Care Association of Brevard County "For Your Support of Child Care" (multiple)
  • City of Palm Bay "Palm Bay Honorary Citizen"
  • Crossways Youth Services "We Will Never Forget Your Leadership Award"
  • FASCAR "All You Do For Racing"
  • First Harvest Food Bank "For Humanitarian Services"
  • Florida Association of Teen Courts "Focus on Prevention Award"
  • Harry T. Moore Homesite Development Committee "Resolution of Sincere Appreciation"
  • Healthy Start Coalition "Deep Appreciation for Your Hard Work on Behalf of the Children of our Community"
  • Marine Institute Orlando "For Your Dedication & Support to the Staff & Students"
  • Melbourne Beach, Town of "Appreciation"
  • National Child Safety Council "Appreciation"
  • Orange County Classroom Teachers "Thumbs Up Award"
  • Palm Shores, Town of : "Our Hometown Hero"
  • Republican Women of the Treasure Coast Federated "For Outstanding Service"
  • Standing Watch "First Annual keeper of the Watch"

Legislator of the Year Awards

American Legislative Exchange Council "1999 Legislator of the Year"

  • Brevard Young Republican Club "Legislator of the Year"
  • City of Palm Bay "Senator of the Year"
  • Farm Bureau "Distinguished Farm Service Award"
  • Florida Cattlemen's Association "Senator of the Year"
  • Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association "Legislator of the Year"
  • Florida Legislative Alliance "Legislator of the Year"
  • Florida Workers Advocates "Legislator of the Year"
  • Police Benevolent Association "Distinguished Legislator Award"
  • Legislator Awards

    American Cancer Society "Legislative Award"

  • American Heart Association "Appreciation"
  • American Heart Association "our Many Thanks"
  • American Society for Industrial Security "Appreciation"
  • Americans For Tax Reform "Highly Commended"
  • The American Farm Bureau Federation's "Friend of Farm Bureau" Award
  • Associated Industries of Florida "Champion for Business"
  • Christian Coalition "Friend of the Family"
  • Citizens For A Sound Economy "Honorary Membership"
  • Citizens for Constitutional Property Rights "One Person Can Make A Difference"
  • Citizens for Florida's Waterways "Grateful Appreciation"
  • Autism Society "For Your Commitment To Our Special Children"
  • Brevard County Public Schools "Appreciation" (multiple)
  • Brevard Cultural Alliance "Appreciation" (multiple)
  • City of Titusville "Leadership in passing SPACE FLORIDA"
  • City of Palm Bay "Commendation"
  • Coalition for the Hungry & Homeless "Appreciation"
  • Coastal Conservation Association (formerly Florida Conservation Assn) "Legislative Award"
  • Cocoa Beach Women's Club "Appreciation"
  • Devereaux Foundation "Appreciation" (multiple)
  • East Central Florida Memory Disorder Clinic "Appreciation"
  • FASA "Superior Contributions to Public Education"
  • Florida Association of Counties "County Champion"
  • Florida Association of School Administrators "For Superior Contributions To Public Education"
  • Florida State Assn of Supervisors of Elections -"Leadership Award" 2006
  • Florida Chamber of Commerce "Distinguished Advocate"
  • Florida Council on Crime & Delinquency "Appreciation"
  • Florida Dept of Health & Brevard County Health Dept. "Appreciation"
  • Florida Farm Bureau "Agricultural Service Award"
  • Florida Housing Coalition "For supporting Housing needs of low income Floridians"
  • Florida March of Dimes "Appreciation"
  • Florida League of Cities "Quality Floridian" (twice)
  • Florida League of Cities "Defender of Home Rule"
  • Florida Preservation & Education Trust "Outstanding Support"
  • Florida Professional Firefighters "
  • Florida Sheriffs Association "Legislative Award"
  • Florida Silver Haired Legislature "Exemplary Service Award"
  • Florida Silver Haired Legislature "Appreciation"
  • Florida Silver Haired Legislature "For Legislative Representation & Advocacy"
  • Florida Space Business Roundtable "Florida Space Booster Award"
  • Florida Supervisors of Elections "Leadership Award -- for historic passage of the 2001 Florida Elections Reform Act "
  • Fraternal Order of Police "Deep Appreciation"
  • Fraternal Order of Police "Legislative Appreciation"
  • Fraternal Order of Police "Support & Dedication to the Law Enforcement Community"
  • Grass Roots Alliance "Friend of the Taxpayer"
  • Indian River Community College "Appreciation"
  • Indian River County Substance Abuse Council "For supporting Prevention Programs"
  • International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals "For Protecting Injured Workers"
  • Junior League of South Brevard "Appreciation"
  • Private Industry Council "Outstanding Commitment to Job Training"
  • Space Coast Defense Alliance & Economic Development Commission "Victory Award"
  • Space Coast League of Cities "Appreciation"
  • STOP / Stop Turning Out Prisoners "Appreciation"
  • Substance Abuse Council "For Supporting Prevention Programs"
  • Suntree Area Business Association "Appreciation"
  • Treasure Coast Chambers of Commerce "Sincere Appreciation"
  • United Way "Appreciation" (multiple)
  • United We Stand America "Legislative Leadership Award"
  • Community Involvement Awards

    Brevard Community College "Distinguished Alumnus"

  • Brevard Federation of Teachers "Apple -- You Make A Difference Award"
  • Boy Scouts of America "Golden Eagle" Honoree
  • Center For Drug Free Living "For Your Continued Support & Commitment"
  • Center for Drug Free Living "Web of Caring Award"
  • Child Care Association of Brevard County "For Your Support of Child Care" (multiple)
  • City of Palm Bay "Palm Bay Honorary Citizen"
  • Crossways Youth Services "We Will Never Forget Your Leadership Award"
  • FASCAR "All You Do For Racing"
  • First Harvest Food Bank "For Humanitarian Services"
  • Florida Association of Teen Courts "Focus on Prevention Award"
  • Harry T. Moore Homesite Development Committee "Resolution of Sincere Appreciation"
  • Healthy Start Coalition "Deep Appreciation for Your Hard Work on Behalf of the Children of our Community"
  • Marine Institute Orlando "For Your Dedication & Support to the Staff & Students"
  • Melbourne Beach, Town of "Appreciation"
  • National Child Safety Council "Appreciation"
  • Orange County Classroom Teachers "Thumbs Up Award"
  • Palm Shores, Town of : "Our Hometown Hero"
  • Republican Women of the Treasure Coast Federated "For Outstanding Service"
  • Standing Watch "First Annual keeper of the Watch"
  • Favorite Quote:

    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

  • --Ronald Reagan
    • 3 Grandchildren

    Policy Positions



    1. Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
    - Pro-life


    1. In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
    - No

    2. Do you support expanding federal funding to support entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare?
    - No

    Campaign Finance

    1. Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
    - Unknown Position


    1. Do you support the protection of government officials, including law enforcement officers, from personal liability in civil lawsuits concerning alleged misconduct?
    - Yes


    Do you support increasing defense spending?
    - Unknown Position


    1. Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
    - No

    2. Do you support lowering corporate taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
    - Yes

    3. Do you support providing financial relief to businesses AND/OR corporations negatively impacted by the state of national emergency for COVID-19?
    - Yes


    1. Do you support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
    - No

    Energy and Environment

    1. Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, geo-thermal)?
    - Yes

    2. Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
    - No


    1. Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
    - No

    Health Care

    1. Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
    - Yes

    2. Do you support requiring businesses to provide paid medical leave during public health crises, such as COVID-19?
    - Yes


    1. Do you support the construction of a wall along the Mexican border?
    - Yes

    2. Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
    - Yes

    National Security

    1. Should the United States use military force to prevent governments hostile to the U.S. from possessing a weapon of mass destruction (for example: nuclear, biological, chemical)?
    - Unknown Position

    2. Do you support reducing military intervention in Middle East conflicts?
    - Unknown Position


    Do you generally support removing barriers to international trade (for example: tariffs, quotas, etc.)?
    - Yes

    Florida State Legislative Election 2002 National Political Awareness Test


    Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning abortion.

    1. Abortions should always be illegal.
    - No Answer

    2. Abortions should always be legally available.
    - No Answer

    3. Abortions should be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy.
    - No Answer

    4. Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape.
    - X

    5. Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered.
    - X

    6. Eliminate public funding for abortions and public funding of organizations that advocate or perform abortions.
    - No Answer

    7. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer

    Budgetary, Spending and Tax

    State Budget: Indicate the funding levels you will support for the following general categories.State Taxes: Indicate the tax levels you will support.

    1. Education (Higher)
    - Slightly Increase Funding

    2. Education (K-12)
    - Greatly Increase Funding

    3. Environment
    - Maintain Funding Status

    4. Health care
    - Maintain Funding Status

    5. Law enforcement
    - Maintain Funding Status

    6. Transportation and Highway infrastructure
    - Maintain Funding Status

    7. Welfare
    - Slightly Decrease Funding

    8. Other or expanded categories
    - Maintain Status

    9. Alcohol taxes
    - Maintain Status

    10. Capital gains taxes
    - Maintain Status

    11. Cigarette taxes
    - Maintain Status

    12. Corporate taxes
    - Maintain Status

    13. Estate taxes
    - Maintain Status

    14. Gasoline taxes
    - Maintain Status

    15. Property taxes
    - Maintain Status

    16. Sales taxes
    - Eliminate

    17. Vehicle taxes
    - Maintain Status

    18. Should Internet sales be taxed?
    - No

    19. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer

    Campaign Finance and Governmental Reform

    Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding campaign finance and government reform.d) Do you support limiting the following types of contributions to state legislative and gubernatorial candidates?

    1. Do you support the current limit of two, four-year terms for Florida governors?
    - Yes

    2. Do you support the current limit of two, four-year terms for Florida state senators?
    - Yes

    3. Do you support the current limit of four, two-year terms for Florida state representatives?
    - Yes

    4. Individual
    - Yes

    5. PAC
    - Yes

    6. Corporate
    - Yes

    7. Political Parties
    - Yes

    8. Do you support requiring full and timely disclosure of campaign finance information?
    - Yes

    9. Do you support partial funding from state taxes for state level political campaigns?
    - No

    10. Do you support voting on-line?
    - No

    11. Do you support adopting statewide standards for counting, verifying and ensuring accuracy of votes?
    - Yes

    12. Should all ballot initiatives include a fiscal impact statement?
    - Yes

    13. Do you support prohibiting the reporting of media exit polling results until all polling locations in Florida are closed?
    - Yes

    14. Should Florida recognize civil unions between same-sex couples?
    - No

    15. Should Florida restrict marriage to a union only between a man and a woman?
    - Yes

    16. Do you support further restrictions on smoking in public places?
    - Yes

    17. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer


    Indicate which principles you support (if any) to address crime.

    1. Increase state funds for construction of state prisons and for hiring of additional prison staff.
    - No Answer

    2. Support contracting with private sector firms to build and/or manage state prisons.
    - No Answer

    3. Support the use of the death penalty in Florida.
    - X

    4. Support programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance when released.
    - X

    5. End parole for repeat violent offenders.
    - X

    6. Implement penalties other than incarceration for certain non-violent offenders.
    - No Answer

    7. Decriminalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.
    - No Answer

    8. Strengthen penalties and sentences for drug-related crimes.
    - X

    9. Minors accused of a violent crime should be prosecuted as adults.
    - X

    10. Require that crimes based on gender, sexual orientation or disability be prosecuted as hate crimes.
    - No Answer

    11. Ban the use of racial profiling by law enforcement officers.
    - No Answer

    12. Increase state funding for community centers and other social agencies in areas with at-risk youth.
    - No Answer

    13. Increase state funding for additional security of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks.
    - X

    14. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer


    Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding education.

    1. Support national standards and testing of public school students.
    - X

    2. Provide parents with state-funded vouchers to send their children to any participating school (public, private, religious).
    - No Answer

    3. Increase state funds for school capital improvements (e.g. buildings and infrastructure).
    - No Answer

    4. Increase state funds for hiring additional teachers.
    - No Answer

    5. Support teacher testing and reward teachers with merit pay.
    - X

    6. Support displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools.
    - X

    7. Endorse teacher-led voluntary prayer in public schools.
    - No Answer

    8. Require public schools to administer high school exit exams.
    - No Answer

    9. Provide state funding to increase teacher salaries.
    - X

    10. Increase state funding to reduce class sizes.
    - No Answer

    11. Increase state funding to make pre-school available to all four-year-old children.
    - No Answer

    12. Provide state funding for tax incentives and financial aid to help make college more affordable.
    - No Answer

    13. Support age-appropriate sexual education programs that teach about abstinence, contraceptives and HIV/STD prevention methods.
    - No Answer

    14. Support abstinence-only sexual education programs.
    - No Answer

    15. Support local school district control over school gun policy.
    - No Answer

    16. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer

    Employment and Affirmative Action

    Employment: Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning employment.Affirmative Action: Should race, ethnicity or gender be taken into account in state agencies' decisions on:

    1. Increase funding for state job-training programs that re-train displaced workers or teach skills needed in today's job market.
    - X

    2. Reduce state government regulations on the private sector to encourage investment and economic expansion.
    - X

    3. Provide low interest loans and tax credits for starting, expanding or relocating businesses.
    - No Answer

    4. Provide tax credits for businesses that provide child care for their employees.
    - No Answer

    5. Increase state funds to provide child care for children of low-income working families.
    - No Answer

    6. Include sexual orientation in Florida's anti-discrimination laws.
    - No Answer

    7. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer

    8. College and university admissions
    - No Answer

    9. Public employment
    - No Answer

    10. State contracting
    - No Answer

    Environmental and Energy

    Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the environment and energy.

    1. Promote increased use of alternative fuel technology.
    - X

    2. Use state funds to clean up former industrial and commercial sites that are contaminated, unused or abandoned.
    - No Answer

    3. Do you support the citrus canker eradication policy in Florida?
    - Yes

    4. Should the Preservation 2000 fund be used only for its intended purpose?
    - Yes

    5. Do you support state funding for open space preservation?
    - Yes

    6. Should state environmental regulations be stricter than federal law?
    - No Answer

    7. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer


    Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning gun issues.

    1. Ban the sale or transfer of semi-automatic guns, except those used for hunting.
    - No Answer

    2. Maintain and strengthen the enforcement of existing state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
    - No Answer

    3. Ease state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
    - No Answer

    4. Repeal state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
    - No Answer

    5. Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
    - No Answer

    6. Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.
    - No Answer

    7. Require background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows.
    - No Answer

    8. Require a license for gun possession.
    - No Answer

    9. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer


    Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding health issues.

    1. Ensure that citizens have access to basic health care through managed care, insurance reforms or state-funded care where necessary.
    - No Answer

    2. Transfer more existing Medicaid recipients into managed care programs.
    - No Answer

    3. Limit the amount of damages that can be awarded in medical malpractice lawsuits.
    - No Answer

    4. Support patients' right to sue their HMOs.
    - No Answer

    5. Support patients' right to appeal to an administrative board of specialists when services are denied by their HMO.
    - No Answer

    6. Guaranteed medical care to all citizens is not a responsibility of state government.
    - No Answer

    7. Legalize physician-assisted suicide in Florida.
    - No Answer

    8. Increase state funding for training health workers to recognize and respond to the release of biological agents.
    - No Answer

    9. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer

    Welfare and Poverty

    Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding welfare.

    1. Support current time limits on welfare benefits.
    - X

    2. Increase employment and job training programs for welfare recipients.
    - X

    3. Provide tax incentives to businesses that hire welfare recipients.
    - No Answer

    4. Provide child care for welfare recipients who work.
    - X

    5. Increase access to public transportation for welfare recipients who work.
    - No Answer

    6. Eliminate government-funded welfare programs.
    - No Answer

    7. Redirect welfare funding to faith-based and community-based private organizations.
    - No Answer

    8. Use federal TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) funds to expand state services to include the working poor.
    - X

    9. Other or expanded principles
    - No Answer

    Legislative Priorities

    In a total of seventy-five (75) words or less, please explain what your two main legislative priorities will be if elected. Please explain how you would obtain any additional government funding needed to implement these priorities.
    - No Answer



    1. Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
    - Pro-life


    1. In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
    - No

    2. In order to balance the budget, do you support reducing defense spending?
    - No

    Campaign Finance

    1. Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
    - Unknown Position


    1. Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
    - No

    2. Do you support lowering corporate taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
    - Yes


    1. Do you support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
    - Unknown Position

    Energy & Environment

    1. Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, thermal)?
    - Yes

    2. Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
    - No


    1. Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
    - No

    Health Care

    1. Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
    - Yes


    1. Do you support the construction of a wall along the Mexican border?
    - Unknown Position

    2. Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
    - Yes


    Do you support the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes?
    - Unknown Position

    National Security

    1. Should the United States use military force in order to prevent governments hostile to the U.S. from possessing a nuclear weapon?
    - Unknown Position

    2. Do you support increased American intervention in Middle Eastern conflicts beyond air support?
    - Unknown Position

    Congress Bills

    The Barefoot Tattler - Honoring Our Commitment to Our Troops and Veterans

    Jul. 1, 2020

    By Senator Bill Posey As we celebrate Independence Day, let us also take some time to remember our brave men and women in uniform, and their families, who have made great personal sacrifices to defend our liberty. Without their dedication it would not be possible to hold on to our freedoms throughout the years. I wanted to take a minute to share some recent legislative accomplishments for our troops and veterans: Providing New Equipment and Pay Increases for Troops -- The House recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act, which provides important tools that our military needs to protect and defend the nation and rewards our brave men and women for their service. I was pleased to support this legislation to modernize our forces with new technology, replace equipment for the Army and help build up our naval fleet. Altogether the bill authorizes $717 billion for our national defense which also includes bonuses for military service members who work in high-demand fields and the largest pay increase our troops have seen in nine years. Improving the VA Experience -- Congress recently passed and President Trump signed into law the VA Mission Act which makes major reforms to the VA to ensure that veterans have timely access to the care and benefits they have earned. The bill improves the VA's community care programs by consolidating them into a single system, removing barriers so veterans can receive care closer to their homes and encouraging more community care providers to participate. It also improves the VA workforce by providing more educational and training opportunities for employees and offering scholarships to medical students in exchange for service to the VA. To further help those veterans who are not happy with the services offered by the VA, the VA Mission Act provides $5.2 billion to the VA Choice Program so veterans have more options for care. It also expands the VA Family Caregiver program to include pre-9/11 veterans and establishes a review process to make recommendations on how to modernize and realign the VA's medical facilities. We owe it to our veterans to provide the best possible service and this legislation continues to make good on our promise. Assisting Student Veterans -- The House overwhelmingly approved bipartisan legislation I cosponsored to assist student veterans attending colleges and universities under the G.I. Bill. The legislation (H.R. 4830) ensures that veterans will not be penalized if the VA sends late payments to their schools due to paperwork processing delays. This is an important fix for our veterans as many choose to further their education only to face disruptions to their studies because of bureaucracy. Helping Homeless Veterans with Children -- I recently joined my House colleagues in cosponsoring bipartisan legislation called the Homeless Veteran Families Act to assist community agencies with offsetting the cost of providing children of homeless veterans with safe shelter. The bill aims to keep families together during times of hardship. Honoring America's commitment to our veterans and supporting our troops has been a top priority for me. If you know of any veteran in our community who is having trouble with VA services, please reach out to them and encourage them to contact my office at 321-632-1776. In fact, please call us if you are having trouble with any federal agency -- the VA, the Social Security Administration, Medicare or even the IRS. My staff and I are here to serve you.

    Electoral vote certification on January 6-7, 2021

    Jan. 1, 1900

    Congress convened a joint session on January 6-7, 2021, to count electoral votes by state and confirm the results of the 2020 presidential election. Posey voted against certifying the electoral votes from Arizona and Pennsylvania. The House rejected both objections by a vote of 121-303 for Arizona and 138-282 for Pennsylvania.