Schooley's campaign website listed the following issues:
Preservation of Liberty
Excerpt: "A free people who are able to keep the fruits of their labor will be motivated to work hard and produce to improve the quality of their life. Just as Benjamin Franklin warned, Liberty should not be sacrificed for security. If we aimlessly give into fear over security concerns and put into place permanent excessive surveillance and un-Constitutional enforcement practices, we risk the long-term degradation or extinction of Liberty."
Government Managed Economy and Over-Spending
Excerpt: "Big government spending policies are bankrupting America and saddling the current and future generations with an insurmountable debt. It is irresponsible, immoral, and quite frankly causing a confidence issue with the dollar. The debt ceiling should not be raised despite the fear of not doing so. We have a spending problem not a revenue problem."
Protect the Second Amendment at all Costs
Excerpt: "The Nation’s Founders recognized that the right of the people to keep and bear arms was instrumental in ensuring the guarantee of the other rights in the Bill of Rights, and for providing for the common defense of the newly formed nation."
Sensible Tax Reform
Excerpt: "We don't need tax rebates, we need permanent tax cuts for everyone, which are only possible with spending cuts and abiding by the principles of a limited government. Less Taxes will put money into the hands of people and businesses alike to improve our economy and create new jobs."
Responsible Immigration and Border Security
Excerpt: "We should welcome new people to our lands who are enterprising and wanting to become Americans. However, we should not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of and it is questionable how helpful it is to allow undocumented foreign workers into this country to displace American laborers, particularly if these people have no intention of becoming Americans or to become properly documented."