Montigue Magruder’s campaign website highlights the following issues:
Virginia’s democracy is bought and sold behind closed doors. Candidates receive thousands in campaign donations from Dominion Power and Raytheon and then pass legislation to benefit their donors. Legislators draw districts to guarantee their reelection. Hundred of thousands of Virginians are denied their right to vote, either because they were convicted of a felony in the past, or the legislature has made the requirements for identification at the polls too difficult. The General Assembly does these things to protect the wealthy who exploit you!
If we are to fight back, the people must regain control of their General Assembly. Montigue T. Magruder is the speartip of the people’s power. Montigue T. Magruder doesn’t take money from corporations. As delegate, he will bring democracy to Virginia. With your help, all Virginians will have the right to vote in fair elections.
Virginia’s schools are in crisis. While some schools prosper, others are on the verge of physically collapsing. The problem is so bad that the federal Department of Education has launched a civil rights investigation to determine if Richmond public schools are engaging in discrimination. Virginia’s schools are underfunded, and schools in need are not getting the funding they need. Meanwhile, students march to an endless drumbeat of Standards of Learning tests, some of them struggling through hunger, undiagnosed medical issues, or disabilities.
Dominion Power wants you to drink poison and pay for the privilege. The energy monopoly demands the right to pollute your rivers and groundwater – your drinking water – while raising rates on you to increase their profits. They’ve dumped toxic coal ash into the James and the Elizabeth, and they want to dump more. They’re charging you more so that they can make unnecessary upgrades to their nuclear plants. And they want to build the massive Atlantic Coast Pipeline cross your state – and it will leak, and it willpoison your water. Meanwhile, Dominion refuses to build solar and wind power for Virginia, even though that would create more jobs.
How can Dominion get away with this? The General Assembly is bought and paid for with Dominion money. Your incumbent legislators take their money and pass laws to give Dominion a blank check over your natural resources and electricity. The General Assembly are so beholden to Dominion they even made it difficult for you to generate your own solar power.
Don’t let them get away with it! Montigue T. Magruder doesn’t take Dominion’s money.
As Montigue’s fight for the 69th unfolds, Congress is working to take health care away from millions of Americans. The defenders of wealth want to take away everything that guarantees your right to live. They want to take away the right of safety from immigrants. They want to take away a woman’s right to safe reproductive health services and birth control. They want to deny the human dignity of the LGBTQ community. They want to deny you the right to quality public schools, health care, clean air, and affordable housing.
Montigue T. Magruder wants to make sure that these things stay yours. In most countries, health care, education, housing, clean air and water, and food are rights that are protected in their national constitutions. Montigue wants to do the same, and protect your rights to life’s basic necessities in the Constitution of Virginia.
Every day brings another story in the media of an outrage against justice, committed against the people by the criminal justice system. Unaccountable cops can kill you at a traffic stop or just take your property through civil asset forfeiture. Prisons are stuffed with people who were arrested for trying to survive, or for just being unruly students. And the warriors for wealth in the General Assembly want to give the police more protections, create more crimes, and make justice more expensive.
Montigue T. Magruder knows that the law should work for the people. He wants a system of justice, not a system of order. Resources must be directed away from the police and towards the uplift of our people and communities. Instead of creating new crimes, we should be creating public services to improve our communities. This is how we guarantee public safety.
Without the brains and muscle of labor, society itself would collapse. Yet even as employers take more of our time, they give back less in wages. Right now, Virginia has one of the lowest minimum wages in the country. Many Virginians working full-time live below the poverty line. At the same time, the United States is one of the few countries in the world to lack paid leave laws. Federal law provides for workers to take unpaid leave, but for those with low incomes, that might as well be no leave at all. And more people are receiving less money as employers commit wage theft, and just plain don’t pay what they owe.
What can you do – join a labor union? The General Assembly has passed laws that prevent workers from protecting themselves by forming unions. Labor unions have to provide services to all the workers in a workplace, but is only allowed to collect dues from its members. Virginia’s laws bleed unions dry. Could you sue your boss? Virginia doesn’t allow workers to take their boss to court. Workers have to go through an underfunded and understaffed civil service at the state department of labor to report wage theft or other abuses.