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Jim Evans

Quick Facts
Personal Details


  • MA, Mathematics, Missouri State University, 1972, Grade Point Average of 3.8

Professional Experience

  • MA, Mathematics, Missouri State University, 1972, Grade Point Average of 3.8
  • Teacher, Logan Rogersville Junior High School
  • Served, United States Army
  • Real Estate Investor
  • Property Manager
  • Beef Cattle Farmer

Political Experience

  • MA, Mathematics, Missouri State University, 1972, Grade Point Average of 3.8
  • Teacher, Logan Rogersville Junior High School
  • Served, United States Army
  • Real Estate Investor
  • Property Manager
  • Beef Cattle Farmer
  • Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 7, 2014, 2018
  • Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 7, 2012

Religious, Civic, and other Memberships

  • MA, Mathematics, Missouri State University, 1972, Grade Point Average of 3.8
  • Teacher, Logan Rogersville Junior High School
  • Served, United States Army
  • Real Estate Investor
  • Property Manager
  • Beef Cattle Farmer
  • Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 7, 2014, 2018
  • Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 7, 2012
  • President, Local Teachers Association, Logan Rogersville Jr. High School
  • Volunteer, Meals on Wheels

Other Info

Current Car:

Electric Model

Favorite Quote:

"There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?" - Robert Kennedy

Policy Positions



1. Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
- Unknown Position


1. In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
- Unknown Position

2. In order to balance the budget, do you support reducing defense spending?
- Unknown Position

Campaign Finance

1. Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
- Yes


1. Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
- Yes

2. Do you support lowering corporate taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
- Unknown Position


1. Do you support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
- No

Energy & Environment

1. Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, thermal)?
- Unknown Position

2. Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
- Unknown Position


1. Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
- Unknown Position

Health Care

1. Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
- Yes


1. Do you support the construction of a wall along the Mexican border?
- Unknown Position

2. Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
- No


Do you support the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes?
- Unknown Position

National Security

1. Should the United States use military force in order to prevent governments hostile to the U.S. from possessing a nuclear weapon?
- No

2. Do you support increased American intervention in Middle Eastern conflicts beyond air support?
- Unknown Position

Missouri Congressional Election 2014 Political Courage Test


1. Neither. I support non-partisan non-religion based policy that lowers abortion rates by empowering women to avoid unintended pregnancy. I support programs that promote health care and economic opportunity for children and mothers. These include income support for pregnant women and paid maternity leave for working women. I also favor continuing support for children to ensure that they have high-quality nutrition, shelter, health care and education. Economic policies that focus on full employment with living wages which reward work are critical. Abortion can be substantially reduced by reducing economic insecurity.
- "I also favor continuing support for children to ensure that they have high-quality nutrition, shelter, health care and education. Economic policies that focus on full employment with living wages which reward work are critical. Abortion can be substantially reduced by reducing economic insecurity." ( "Neither. I support non-partisan non-religion based policy that lowers abortion rates by empowering women to avoid unintended pregnancy. I support programs that promote health care and economic opportunity for children and mothers."PCT 2014 "Neither. I support non-partisan non-religion based policy that lowers abortion rates by empowering women to avoid unintended pregnancy. I support programs that promote health care and economic opportunity for children and mothers."PCT 2014 "Neither. I support non-partisan non-religion based policy that lowers abortion rates by empowering women to avoid unintended pregnancy. I support programs that promote health care and economic opportunity for children and mothers. These include income support for pregnant women and paid maternity leave for working women." (


1. I support a comprehensive balance of reducing costs with efficiency and fairer taxation. National debt is only meaningful as a percent of GDP. History shows that effective economic policy can leverage moderate deficits to stimulate economic growth so that the relative size of the debt shrinks even with deficit spending. The key is clean tax codes and fair markets, including a balance of trade with foreign countries.
- "I support a comprehensive balance of reducing costs with efficiency and fairer taxation. National debt is only meaningful as a percent of GDP. History shows that effective economic policy can leverage moderate deficits to stimulate economic growth so that the relative size of the debt shrinks even with deficit spending. The key is clean tax codes and fair markets, including a balance of trade with foreign countries."PCT 2014 "I support a comprehensive balance of reducing costs with efficiency and fairer taxation. National debt is only meaningful as a percent of GDP. History shows that effective economic policy can leverage moderate deficits to stimulate economic growth so that the relative size of the debt shrinks even with deficit spending. The key is clean tax codes and fair markets, including a balance of trade with foreign countries." (

Campaign Finance

1. Our campaign system is fatally flawed. The use of unlimited funds to promote issues and candidates with misinformation, lies, and fear is contrary to a free democratic republic and corrosive to our Constitutional principles. Deception and special-interest cash are destroying America as it was intended. We need to repeal and replace rather than regulate.
- "Our campaign system is fatally flawed. The use of unlimited funds to promote issues and candidates with misinformation, lies, and fear is contrary to a free democratic republic and corrosive to our Constitutional principles. Deception and special-interest cash are destroying America as it was intended. We need to repeal and replace rather than regulate." ( "The 2010 Supreme Court ruling, Citizens United, has gotten a lot of attention lately and for good reason. Unlimited donations by the wealthy elite and corporations to super PACs have drowned out the voices of ordinary Americans." (

Capital Punishment

Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes?
- No Answer


1. Do you support lowering taxes as a way of promoting growth in the economy?
- No Answer

2. Do you support providing tax incentives to businesses for the purpose of job creation?
- No Answer

3. Not all spending is equal. Spending that adds value to the middle-class stimulates economic growth. Spending and tax-cuts that increase wealth inequality produce long-term erosion of the economy. Tax incentives to business shifts income from labor to capital which weakens the economy. We need spending to "promote the general welfare" and revenue sources that do the same. Public investment in education and infrastructure are appropriate as is a transaction tax on financial speculation.
- "Not all spending is equal. Spending that adds value to the middle-class stimulates economic growth. Spending and tax-cuts that increase wealth inequality produce long-term erosion of the economy. Tax incentives to business shifts income from labor to capital which weakens the economy." ( "Not all spending is equal. Spending that adds value to the middle-class stimulates economic growth. Spending and tax-cuts that increase wealth inequality produce long-term erosion of the economy. Tax incentives to business shifts income from labor to capital which weakens the economy.We need spending to "promote the general welfare" and revenue sources that do the same. Spending on education and infrastructure are appropriate as is a transaction tax."PCT 2014 "Not all spending is equal. Spending that adds value to the middle-class stimulates economic growth. Spending and tax-cuts that increase wealth inequality produce long-term erosion of the economy. Tax incentives to business shifts income from labor to capital which weakens the economy.We need spending to "promote the general welfare" and revenue sources that do the same. Spending on education and infrastructure are appropriate as is a transaction tax."PCT 2014 "We need spending to 'promote the general welfare' and revenue sources that do the same. Public investment in education and infrastructure are appropriate as is a transaction tax on financial speculation." (


1. Do you support requiring states to implement education reforms in order to be eligible for competitive federal grants?
- No


1. Do you support reducing restrictions on offshore energy production?
- No Answer

2. The Keystone pipeline would permit foreign owned companies to transport foreign oil across the American heartland to sell, tax-free, into foreign markets. Supplies would be reduced to Midwest refineries causing gas prices to go up. The pipeline is all risk and no benefit for U.S. citizens. The construction jobs temporarily created would be better allocated to meeting our massive infrastructure deficit. The BP (foreign owned company) oil spill is sufficient incentive to insist that the highest level of environmental safety regulation be required for offshore energy production. The cost of cleanup is far greater than the cost of prevention.
- "The Keystone pipeline would permit foreign owned companies to transport foreign oil across the American heartland to sell, tax-free, into foreign markets. Supplies would be reduced to Midwest refineries causing gas prices to go up. The pipeline is all risk and no benefit for U.S. citizens.The BP (foreign owned company) oil spill is sufficient incentive to insist that the highest level of environmental safety regulation be required for offshore energy production. The cost of cleanup is far greater than the cost of prevention."PCT 2014


1. Do you believe that human activity is contributing to climate change?
- No Answer

2. What I, or any other unqualified politician believes about climate change is irrelevant. It is a complex science based on sophisticated computer models. The science community, including the DOD, NASA, and universities, is sounding the alarm on this potential problem. Developing the technology to address the issue might also stimulate economic growth and international competitiveness. Creation care and responsible stewardship are principles I learned as someone born and raised on a dairy farm. Our actions have consequences, for good or ill, and we must be accountable for them.
- "What I, or any other unqualified politician believes about climate change is irrelevant. It is a complex science based on sophisticated computer models. The science community, including the DOD, NASA, and universities are sounding the alarm on this potential problem. Developing the technology to address the issue might also stimulate economic growth and international competitiveness."PCT 2014 "What I, or any other unqualified politician believes about climate change is irrelevant. It is a complex science based on sophisticated computer models. The science community, including the DOD, NASA, and universities are sounding the alarm on this potential problem. Developing the technology to address the issue might also stimulate economic growth and international competitiveness."PCT 2014


1. I support valid research and data collection in the hopes of finding a way to reduce gun injuries and deaths without infringing on our accepted liberties. I am a gun owner with a conceal-and-carry permit but am deeply concerned for the safety and welfare of all citizens. I have previously indicated my support for the old NRA position of universal instant background checks with the incorporation of relevant mental health information as an additional screen.
- "I support valid research and data collection in the hopes of finding a way to reduce gun injuries and deaths without infringing on our accepted liberties. I am a gun owner with a CCW but deeply concerned for the safety and welfare of all citizens."PCT 2014 "I support valid research and data collection in the hopes of finding a way to reduce gun injuries and deaths without infringing on our accepted liberties. I am a gun owner with a CCW but deeply concerned for the safety and welfare of all citizens."PCT 2014

Health Care

1. There are better solutions to our national healthcare affordability crisis. There needs to be an ongoing effort to improve the access and cost issues that afflict U.S. healthcare. I'm on record as favoring a transition to a Medicare for All system in which "everyone is in, nobody is out" applies.
- "There are better solutions to our national healthcare affordability crisis. There needs to be an ongoing effort to improve the access and cost issues that afflict U.S. healthcare."PCT 2014 "There are better solutions to our national healthcare affordability crisis. There needs to be an ongoing effort to improve the access and cost issues that afflict U.S. healthcare."PCT 2014


1. Not every situation is the same. We need comprehensive immigration reform that honors those who want to be citizens and are contributing to American values. We need to return those who are exploiting our country's generosity. We also need to address failed trade agreements that exacerbate immigration problems.
- "Our Constitution says "establish justice." That means treating every citizen equally under the law. I will never support legislation that discriminates (based on arbitrary reasons) against a class of people."PCT 2014 "Our Constitution says "establish justice." That means treating every citizen equally under the law. I will never support legislation that discriminates (based on arbitrary reasons) against a class of people."PCT 2014


Our Constitution says "establish justice." That means treating every citizen equally under the law. I will never support legislation that discriminates (based on arbitrary reasons) against a class of people. The State considers marriage as simply another civil contract involving property and similar matters and therefore the standard of civil equality applies. Moreover, under the First Amendment, no religious body can be compelled to conduct a service that violates the beliefs of that institution so rights are not in conflict as regards civil marriage.
- "Our Constitution says "establish justice." That means treating every citizen equally under the law. I will never support legislation that discriminates (based on arbitrary reasons) against a class of people."PCT 2014 "Our Constitution says "establish justice." That means treating every citizen equally under the law. I will never support legislation that discriminates (based on arbitrary reasons) against a class of people."PCT 2014

National Security

1. Do you support targeting suspected terrorists outside of official theaters of conflict?
- Yes

2. Should the U.S use military force in order to prevent governments hostile to the United States from possessing a nuclear weapon?
- No

Social Security

Do you support allowing individuals to divert a portion of their Social Security taxes into personal retirement accounts?
- No

Spending and Taxes

SpendingIndicate what federal spending levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category; you can use a number more than once.TaxesIndicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category; you can use a number more than once.

1. Agriculture
- Maintain Status

2. Arts
- Maintain Status

3. Defense
- Slightly Decrease

4. Education
- Maintain Status

5. Environment
- Slightly Increase

6. Homeland Security
- Maintain Status

7. International aid
- Maintain Status

8. Medical Research
- Slightly Increase

9. Scientific Research
- Greatly Increase

10. Space exploration
- Slightly Increase

11. United Nations
- Slightly Decrease

12. Welfare
- Maintain Status

13. Other or expanded categories
- No Answer

14. Capital gains taxes
- No Answer

15. Corporate taxes
- No Answer

16. Excise taxes (alcohol)
- No Answer

17. Excise taxes (cigarettes)
- No Answer

18. Excise taxes (transportation fuel)
- No Answer

19. Income taxes (low-income families)
- No Answer

20. Income taxes (middle-income families)
- No Answer

21. Income taxes (high-income families)
- No Answer

22. Inheritance taxes
- No Answer

23. Payroll taxes
- No Answer


Blog: The Affordable Care Act

Jul. 23, 2012Statement

Blog: Education

Jul. 23, 2012Statement