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David Snyder

Personal Details

David Snyder was a 2016 Democratic candidate who sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 6th Congressional District of Minnesota.



rated this race as safely Republican. Incumbent Tom Emmer (R) defeated David Snyder (D) in the general election on November 8, 2016. Emmer defeated A.J. Kern and Patrick Munro in the Republican primary, while Snyder defeated Judy Evelyn Adams and Bob Helland to win the Democratic nomination. The primary elections took place on August 9, 2016.

U.S. House, Minnesota District 6 General Election, 2016

Party Candidate Vote % Votes
Republican Green check mark transparent.pngTom Emmer Incumbent 65.6% 235,380
Democratic David Snyder 34.3% 123,008
N/A Write-in 0.1% 536
Total Votes 358,924
Source: Minnesota Secretary of State

U.S. House, Minnesota District 6 Democratic Primary, 2016

Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngDavid Snyder 46% 4,402
Judy Adams 37.3% 3,569
Bob Helland 16.7% 1,595
Total Votes 9,566
Source: Minnesota Secretary of State

U.S. House, Minnesota District 6 Republican Primary, 2016

Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngTom Emmer Incumbent 68.7% 13,590
A.J. Kern 26.4% 5,219
Patrick Munro 4.9% 962
Total Votes 19,771
Source: Minnesota Secretary of State

Campaign themes

The following issues were listed on Snyder's campaign website. For a full list of campaign themes, .

  • Jobs: Creating new jobs here in Minnesota’s Sixth District will be one of my top priorities when I get to Washington. It’s vital that we make sure everyone who wants a job can get one. We need to make sure that those who want to work hard and fulfill the American dream have an opportunity to do so.
  • Infrastructure: We need real and long term investment in everything from our crumbling highway system to modernizing our electrical grid, airports, sea ports and pipelines. Doing this is a basic function of government and it will create thousands of good jobs that can’t be shipped overseas.
  • Higher Education: Higher education is critical. The places that are investing in it are winning. It’s that simple. If we don’t address this issue, we will fall behind globally and I refuse to let that happen. America is a leader, not a follower, and I’ll defend that legacy.
  • Veterans: As your representative and an Army veteran, I will work tirelessly to fix this system. Our men and women were promised proper medical care, quite frankly we owe it to them for their commitment and sacrifice.
  • Women's Rights: Women deserve equal pay for equal work. The idea that de-funding Planned Parenthood will protect women is a lie. Let’s stop the war against women, and keep funding an organization that does more preventative care and education than anything else.

—David Snyder's campaign website,