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7,658,465 8,138,192 2,386,038 0


Total Raised
Total receipts$4,821,368.47
Total contributions$3,467,838.5071.93%
Total individual contributions$1,510,435.77
Itemized individual contributions$1,382,394.57
Unitemized individual contributions$128,041.20
Party committee contributions$500.00
Other committee contributions$1,956,902.73
Candidate contributions$0.00
Transfers from other authorized committees$1,272,760.4226.4%
Total loans received$0.000%
Loans made by candidate$0.00
Other loans$0.00
Offsets to operating expenditures$74,410.031.54%
Other receipts$6,359.520.13%
Total Spent
Total disbursements$6,517,722.51
Operating expenditures$6,420,989.6898.52%
Transfers to other authorized committees$0.000%
Total contribution refunds$60,582.830.93%
Individual refunds$28,750.00
Political party refunds$0.00
Other committee refunds$31,832.83
Total loan repayments$0.000%
Candidate loan repayments$0.00
Other loan repayments$0.00
Other disbursements$36,150.000.55%
Cash Summary
Ending cash on hand$2,386,038.02
Debts/loans owed to committee$0.00
Debts/loans owed by committee$0.00

Source Of Funds

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