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Policy Positions

Campaign themes


Jensen's campaign website highlighted the following issues:

Our rural communities

  • Our rural communities rely on innovative solutions to address the challenges we face. We need a healthy business climate and a strong economy to remain vibrant. Along with attracting businesses, we also need a well educated workforce, affordable housing, preserved and updated infrastructure, a safe modern transportation system along with tax reforms.

Our main street business

  • My husband and I own and operate an independent insurance agency. As a business owner, I understand the need for health care reforms, workforce training and affordable housing.

Our family farms

  • My husband’s family farms in southwest Minnesota. Without enough land to support three families, we made the decision to open our insurance agency and move off the farm. Since then, I have worked to keep families on their farms so they can pass their legacy on to their children.

Our safety

  • Keeping people safe is a top priority. My railroad safety law requires the railroads to pay for state rail inspectors and train emergency responders so we are prepared in the event of an accident. As Vice-Chair of Commerce, I have worked on initiatives that protect us fro fraud and abuse from both private and public sources. I will continue to work on child protection and mental health reforms, along with expanding the office of Inspector General to investigate human services fraud.
—Vicki Jensen


Jensen's website highlighted the following campaign themes:

Innovate and Improve Education

  • Excerpt: "Education starts with the basics and the sooner kids get on the right track the more successful they will likely be. That’s why I support all day kindergarten and early childhood development. These are long term investments that make for stronger communities."

Strengthen Local Business

  • Excerpt: "Local business owners are risk takers who step out to create a product or service. When they are successful they will create jobs. I want to encourage reasonable risk and remove barriers to success."

Inspire Efficiencies in Government

  • Excerpt: "As a small business owner, and tri-chair of the city efficiency task force, I know there are many aspects of government which can, and should be run more like a business. Capturing efficiencies where ever possible saves money and encourages faith in the system."