Trent Kittleman
RTo be claimed
Trent M. Kittleman is a Republican member of the Maryland House of Delegates, representing District 9A. She was first elected to the chamber in 2014. Kittleman is running for re-election in the primary on June 26, 2018. The general election will take place on November 6, 2018.
Former Member, Judiciary Committee, Maryland State House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee on Civil Law and Procedure, Maryland State House of Delegates
Member, Oversight Committee on Pensions
Member, Subcommittee on Education and Economic Development
— Awards:
Awarded an Maryland Department of Transportation Plaque
Honored as one of Maryland's Top 100 Women, 2004
Awarded the Robert H. Kittleman Life Achievement Award by the Howard County Republican Party
Favorite Book:
Gone with the Wind,
Favorite Musician:
Les Mis
Favorite TV Shows:
The Wire,
Type: bill Chamber: lower
Type: bill Chamber: lower
Type: bill Chamber: lower