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Voter registration spiked in days immediately following Ruth Bader Ginsburg death
Voters approve earlier closings for South Beach bars
Voters are worried about Biden’s age. He knows it.
Voters elected a record number of Black women to Congress this year — none were Republican
Voters split evenly in backing GOP, Democrats in midterms: poll
Voters split on Biden's handling of Ukraine-Russia conflict: poll
Voters split on eliminating the filibuster: poll
Voters split on whether Trump, Biden will win first debate: poll
Voting advocates roll out digital tools to fight gerrymandering
Voting bill seeks to crack down on gerrymandering
Voting chaos spells trouble in November
Voting reform advocates pounce on Georgia debacle to urge changes
Voting rights advocates eager for Biden to use bully pulpit
Voting rights campaign asks AGs to crack down on voter intimidation