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Ukrainian president warns citizens against election interference
Ukrainian-born rep denounces 'genocide' by 'crazy man'
UK's highest court denies Assange attempt to appeal US extradition
UMass College Democrats send letter of apology to Alex Morse
UMass president condemns 'blatantly racist' e-mails sent to Black student organizations
UN ambassador: Russia has committed 'war crimes,' civilian attacks 'cannot be justified'
UN: Brain chips must respect human rights
UN forecasts COVID-19 will shrink global economy by 3.2 percent this year
U.N. panel scoffs at climate tool the world may need
UN: Stop fretting about fertility
UN warns of deadlier pandemics
Unaccompanied children picked up at border likely hit record in July: report
Unanswered questions on the wildfire insurance deal
UNC-Chapel Hill reports third cluster of COVID-19 cases
Uncertainty ahead for first OTC birth control pill
‘Uncomfortable conversations’ on guns