Todd Gilbert
RWon the General, 2019 Virginia House of Delegates District 15
Virginia House of Delegates, District 15 (2018 - Present)
Deputy Majority Leader, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates (2012 - Present)
To be claimed
Former Member, Courts of Justice Committee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Chair, General Laws Committee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Judicial Subcommittee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee #1 (Militia, Police and Public Safety), Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Chair, Subcommittee on Courts of Justice #1, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Chair, Subcommittee on Courts of Justice #4, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee on Criminal Law, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee on Ethics, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee on General Laws #3, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee on Joint Rules, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Member, Advisory Council on Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics
Member, Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee
Member, Board of Criminal Justice Services
Member, Commission on Rappahannock River Basin
Member, Commission on Virginia State Crime
Member, Finance Committee
Member, Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates
Member, Joint Rules
Member, Panel on Secure and Resilient Commonwealth
Member, Rules Committee
Member, Subcommittee on Chesapeake
Member, Subcommittee on Finance #3
— Awards:
Spouse's Occupation:
White House Correspondent, CBN News
Type: joint resolution Chamber: lower
Type: joint resolution Chamber: lower
Type: joint resolution Chamber: lower