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Policy Positions >> Immigration

Scott Walker on Immigration

  • On board of cannabis company; supported medical marijuana. (Apr 2019)
  • Accept benefits of cannabis; allow vets and seniors to use. (Feb 2019)
  • Enhance treatment & recovery services; and public engagement. (Nov 2018)
  • Give marijuana businesses access to banking services. (Oct 2018)
  • Long-time advocate for marijuana legalization. (Oct 2018)
  • Supports medical marijuana and recreational legalization. (Oct 2018)
  • Tougher enforcement via Opioid Crisis Response Act. (Sep 2018)
  • PVS:Oppose recreational marijuana. (Aug 2018)
  • Marijuana is a gateway drug. (Jul 2018)
  • Marijuana is not a gateway drug. (Jul 2018)
  • Substance abuse should have its own cabinet-level officer. (Jul 2018)
  • Marijuana isn't a gateway drug. (May 2018)
  • Ending the war on drugs would improve criminal justice. (Jan 2018)
  • Strong proponent of legalizing medical marijuana. (Jan 2018)
  • End mandatory minimums for low level drug offenses. (Dec 2017)
  • Fund programs to combat opioid epidemic. (Oct 2017)
  • Can't arrest our way out of opioid crisis. (Aug 2017)
  • Will follow state law on pot. (Aug 2017)
  • Look into pot decriminalization. (Jul 2017)
  • Immunity for banks offering services to marijuana businesses. (May 2017)
  • Reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II. (May 2017)
  • Supports legal marijuana from local businesses. (May 2017)
  • Lead the fight to take on our backwards marijuana laws. (Apr 2017)
  • Locking up nonviolent drug offenders doesn't make sense. (Apr 2017)
  • Has spoken favorably towards marijuana decriminalization. (Mar 2017)
  • Advocate for decriminalized and medical marijuana. (Feb 2017)
  • Make it a living hell for heroin dealers in NJ. (Jan 2017)
  • Crack down on illegal prescriptions; enforce from all sides. (Nov 2016)
  • Rated B- by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Nov 2016)
  • Rated B by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Nov 2016)
  • Rated B+ by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Nov 2016)
  • Rated C- by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
  • Rated C by NORML, indicating a mixed record on drug reform. (Nov 2016)
  • Rated D- by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
  • Rated D by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
  • Rated D+ by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
  • Rated F by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
  • Strongly opposes legalizing marijuana. (Nov 2016)
  • Supports legalizing and regulating marijuana. (Nov 2016)
  • Failure to stop opioid drug trade is a failure of government. (Oct 2016)
  • Legalize medical marijuana, but not recreational use. (Oct 2016)
  • Legalizing pot would be surrender, but treat addicts who ask. (Oct 2016)
  • Opposes legalization of marijuana. (Oct 2016)
  • Supports medical marijuana. (Oct 2016)
  • Does not support the legalization of marijuana. (Sep 2016)
  • Legalize marijuana quickly; prohibition hasn't worked. (Sep 2016)
  • Pass tougher drug laws instead of decriminalizing. (Sep 2016)
  • Supports legalizing marijuana. (Sep 2016)
  • End the drug war & don't tell us what to do with our bodies. (Aug 2016)
  • Illegal drugs are destroying our people. (Aug 2016)
  • Replace drug prohibition with harm reduction. (Aug 2016)
  • 100 million Americans who've smoked dope are not criminals. (Jul 2016)
  • End the war on drugs & legalize marijuana. (Jul 2016)
  • Keep existing Washington state law on legal marijuana. (Jul 2016)
  • Marijuana is a benefit to people's health. (Jul 2016)
  • Marijuana is not a gateway drug; end the drug war. (Jul 2016)
  • Tighten opioid prescription rules to keep them off streets. (Jul 2016)
  • Consistently votes against marijuana reform. (Jun 2016)
  • Feds should let marijuana businesses use normal banking. (Jun 2016)
  • Focus on awareness and treatment for opioid addiction. (Jun 2016)
  • Medical marijuana yes; but legalization no. (Jun 2016)
  • Not vocal about legalizing, but opponent vocally against it. (Jun 2016)
  • OpEd: One of few remaining "reefer madness" legislators. (Jun 2016)
  • Protect state cannabis laws from federal interference. (Jun 2016)
  • Substance abuse cases should not go to criminal prison. (Jun 2016)
  • Treat addiction & mental illness, instead of incarceration. (Jun 2016)
  • Addicts need treatment, not jail time. (May 2016)
  • The war on drugs is racist. (May 2016)
  • Legalize marijuana; drug-assisted treatment for opioids. (Apr 2016)
  • War on drugs is a flagrant $1 trillion policy failure. (Apr 2016)
  • $51.4 million for opioid abuse clinics in rural communities. (Mar 2016)
  • Create a trusted Vermont brand of legalized marijuana. (Mar 2016)
  • Don't legalize marijuana: it's unsafe & lowers IQ in kids. (Mar 2016)
  • Supports legalizing medical marijuana under a doctor's order. (Mar 2016)
  • War on drugs failed just like war on alcohol did. (Mar 2016)
  • Yes, I did use illegal drugs, like other angry young men. (Mar 2016)
  • Fight opioid addiction and fight drug abuse. (Feb 2016)
  • Self-described former alcoholic and drug addict. (Feb 2016)
  • Immunity for banks offering services to marijuana businesses. (Jan 2016)
  • Marijuana should be a local issue. (Jan 2016)
  • End anger-based sentencing with drug courts. (Dec 2015)
  • Opioid addiction crisis comes from over-prescribing. (Dec 2015)
  • Continue to fight the war on drugs federally. (Nov 2015)
  • Everything should be on the table, including legalization. (Nov 2015)
  • Immunity for banks offering services to marijuana businesses. (Nov 2015)
  • Legalization offers legitimacy of the state. (Nov 2015)
  • Marijuana can be incredibly destructive. (Nov 2015)
  • Marijuana is a very complex chemical substance, unlike beer. (Nov 2015)
  • Sensible approach to marijuana instead of prohibition. (Nov 2015)
  • Stop locking up people for mere possession. (Nov 2015)
  • I don't support legal pot, but I support states' pot choice. (Oct 2015)
  • Let's see what happens in Colorado with legalization. (Oct 2015)
  • Marijuana is a controlled substance for a reason. (Oct 2015)
  • Marijuana laws should be left to the states. (Oct 2015)
  • Respect state-based recreational use of marijuana. (Oct 2015)
  • War on Drugs is most self-destructive war in U.S. history. (Oct 2015)
  • Drug addiction is an epidemic that takes our young people. (Sep 2015)
  • Not running to change laws on marijuana. (Sep 2015)
  • Opposed medical marijuana on Florida ballot question. (Sep 2015)
  • Stepdaughter died of addiction; invest in treatment of drugs. (Sep 2015)
  • Reform outdated marijuana laws that penalize possession. (Aug 2015)
  • Spent 5 years as US Attorney taking on drug traffickers. (Aug 2015)
  • Strengthen penalties against meth and heroin dealers. (Aug 2015)
  • I'm not a legalization guy. (Jul 2015)
  • Immunity for banks offering services to marijuana businesses. (Jul 2015)
  • Sensible approach to marijuana policy instead of prohibition. (Jul 2015)
  • Too many Texans imprisoned for nonviolent drug offenses. (Jul 2015)
  • Decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. (Jun 2015)
  • 2012: Pleaded guilty after DUI arrest, and apologized. (May 2015)
  • Disallow buying marijuana with food stamps. (May 2015)
  • Let each state decide marijuana legalization. (May 2015)
  • Marijuana legalization & tight regulation. (May 2015)
  • Allow farmers to grow hemp: ecologically friendly cash crop. (Apr 2015)
  • Colorado has no right to violate federal drug laws. (Apr 2015)
  • Decriminalize marijuana; treat addiction instead of prison. (Apr 2015)
  • Drug courts reduce both cost & recidivism. (Apr 2015)
  • Drug courts to deal with drugs as a sickness. (Apr 2015)
  • Immunity for banks offering services to marijuana businesses. (Apr 2015)
  • OK to legalize if we can contain addiction and kids' access. (Apr 2015)
  • Treat addiction as a disease, not as criminal behavior. (Apr 2015)
  • End the racist war on drugs and school-to-prison pipeline. (Feb 2015)
  • Executive Order to address this heroin epidemic. (Feb 2015)
  • Let's Talk It Out: campaign to stop underage drinking. (Feb 2015)
  • My high school drug use was "stupid" and "wrong". (Feb 2015)
  • No legalization; pot lowers IQ by 5 to 10 points. (Feb 2015)
  • Smoked pot & drank alcohol in late 1960s high school. (Feb 2015)
  • Legalize medical marijuana. (Jan 2015)
  • Legalize marijuana. (Oct 2014)
  • Restrict medical marijuana; and no recreational marijuana. (Oct 2014)
  • Exempt industrial hemp from marijuana laws. (Sep 2014)
  • Lead fight to repeal mandatory minimum drug sentencing laws. (Sep 2014)
  • Legal pot makes drugs seem ok, but prohibition isn't working. (Sep 2014)
  • Legalize marijuana & all drugs; $80B wasted on War on Drugs. (Sep 2014)
  • Legalize marijuana. (Sep 2014)
  • Legalizing marijuana may decrease crime & increase revenue. (Sep 2014)
  • Let state voters decide about pot legalization. (Sep 2014)
  • Mexican border problems come from failed War on Drugs. (Sep 2014)
  • Never legalize marijuana, except supervised medical use. (Sep 2014)
  • Replace War on Drugs with individual freedom. (Sep 2014)
  • See how things go in other states before GA marijuana law. (Sep 2014)
  • Strongly supports legalizing marijuana. (Sep 2014)
  • Supports legalizing marijuana. (Sep 2014)
  • Supports the legalization of marijuana. (Sep 2014)
  • Democrats are afraid to touch the failed War on Drugs. (Aug 2014)
  • Fines instead of imprisonment for non-violent drug offenses. (Aug 2014)
  • Indicted for defunding D.A. who got caught drunk-driving. (Aug 2014)
  • Legalization yields better results than current turf wars. (Aug 2014)
  • Legalize or decriminalize marijuana. (Aug 2014)
  • No medical marijuana; it's just a guise toward legalization. (Aug 2014)
  • Release prisoners convicted of marijuana possession. (Aug 2014)
  • They're not "cartels", they're narcoterrorists. (Aug 2014)
  • End the Drug War. (Jul 2014)
  • End the war on drugs; it's federal overreach & unsuccessful. (Jul 2014)
  • Follow the will of the voters on recreational marijuana use. (Jul 2014)
  • Recreational marijuana use is a gateway drug. (Jul 2014)
  • Supports legalizing marijuana. (Jul 2014)
  • End the War on Drugs and its mandatory minimums. (Jun 2014)
  • Feds need to address marijuana in bordering Colorado. (Jun 2014)
  • Legal structure is not ready legal marijuana. (Jun 2014)
  • Legalize marijuana, based on Genesis 1:29. (Jun 2014)
  • No legalization; but focus on rehabilitation for addicts. (Jun 2014)
  • No stance on marijuana legalization nor medical marijuana. (Jun 2014)
  • Rollout of medical marijuana was a management fiasco. (Jun 2014)
  • In favor of ending the war on drugs. (May 2014)
  • Legalize medicinal pot; decriminalize recreational pot. (May 2014)
  • Primary architect of state's Drug Court's. (May 2014)
  • Reduce the criminalization of simple marijuana possession. (May 2014)
  • Medical cannabis oil ok, but nothing more. (Apr 2014)
  • War on drugs is a war on our own people. (Apr 2014)
  • Federal registry to prevent "doctor shopping. (Mar 2014)
  • War on drugs creates more problems than it solves. (Mar 2014)
  • Medical marijuana is a state issue. (Feb 2014)
  • Medical marijuana ok, if carefully crafter policy. (Feb 2014)
  • Substance abuse treatment instead of incarceration. (Feb 2014)
  • We lock up too many people for casual drug use. (Feb 2014)
  • Addiction is a disease; fill gaps in drug treatment system. (Jan 2014)
  • Leave marijuana legalization to the states. (Jan 2014)
  • Legalizing marijuana sends message that drug use is OK. (Jan 2014)
  • Let Colorado experiment with legalization, not Maryland. (Jan 2014)
  • Libertarian platform: Legalize marijuana. (Jan 2014)
  • No marijuana Prohibition. (Jan 2014)
  • Proportionality in marijuana arrests, but not legalization. (Jan 2014)
  • Rated 0% by NORML, indicating an anti-legalization stance. (Jan 2014)
  • Rated 25% by NORML, indicating an anti-legalization stance. (Jan 2014)
  • Rated 50% by NORML, indicating a mixed record on drug reform. (Jan 2014)
  • Rated 75% by NORML, indicating a pro-legalization stance. (Jan 2014)
  • Sober discussion about addiction risks of smoking marijuana. (Jan 2014)
  • Marijuana should be legalized like alcohol. (Dec 2013)
  • Medical marijuana is a necessity for many. (Dec 2013)
  • State director of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services. (Dec 2013)
  • Baltimore recovered from open-air drug markets. (Nov 2013)
  • Create an Office of Addiction Recovery Services. (Nov 2013)
  • Study marijuana harmfulness; then let states regulate it. (Nov 2013)
  • When you legalize something, you send a signal you approve. (Nov 2013)
  • Legalize marijuana & decriminalize harder drugs. (Sep 2013)
  • Exclude industrial hemp from definition of marijuana. (Jul 2013)
  • Exempt industrial hemp from marijuana laws. (Jul 2013)
  • Voted NO on retail medical marijuana establishments. (Jul 2013)
  • Exempt industrial hemp from marijuana laws. (Jun 2013)
  • Federal medical marijuana OK; leave the rest to states. (Jun 2013)
  • Sponsored no federal enforcement against legal state marijuana. (Jun 2013)
  • Exclude industrial hemp from definition of marijuana. (Apr 2013)
  • Exempt industrial hemp from marijuana laws. (Apr 2013)
  • No victim, no crime: Legalize marijuana. (Apr 2013)
  • Sponsored no federal enforcement against legal state marijuana. (Apr 2013)
  • Strongly opposes enforce laws against immoral drug use. (Apr 2013)
  • Deploy military on both sides of the US-Mexican border. (Mar 2013)
  • Exclude industrial hemp from definition of marijuana. (Mar 2013)
  • Exempt industrial hemp from marijuana laws. (Mar 2013)
  • Helping meth cooks get ingredients leads to jail. (Mar 2013)
  • Illegal drugs moving over US-Mexico border has intensified. (Mar 2013)
  • Coordinated effort against cartel drug rings. (Feb 2013)
  • Exempt industrial hemp from marijuana laws. (Feb 2013)
  • KASPER: KY All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting. (Feb 2013)
  • Reduce historic addiction to tobacco with smoke-free law. (Feb 2013)
  • Six new state troopers to focus on gangs & drug-trafficking. (Jan 2013)
  • Anti-smoking campaigners will celebrate legal marijuana. (Dec 2012)
  • Decriminalize marijuana possession. (Nov 2012)
  • Decriminalize marijuana; support substance abuse treatment. (Nov 2012)
  • Transform from criminal drug system to public health system. (Nov 2012)
  • Re-write drug laws to be sane and people based. (Oct 2012)
  • Exclude industrial hemp from definition of marijuana. (Sep 2012)
  • Fast & Furious was completely wrongheaded; we've stopped it. (Sep 2012)
  • Legalize medical Marijuana. (Sep 2012)
  • Successfully prosecuted case on hallucinogenic level-2 drugs. (Sep 2012)
  • We share cross-border drug problem with Mexico. (Sep 2012)
  • End all Drug Wars; stop monopoly of subsidized prisons. (Aug 2012)
  • Drug laws should be enforced. (May 2012)
  • Enforce America's drug laws. (May 2012)
  • Legalize medical marijuana and hemp crop production. (May 2012)
  • Return nonviolent offenders from prison to community. (May 2012)
  • Voted NO on medical marijuana for debilitating conditions. (May 2012)
  • Decriminalize marijuana use; differentiate from hard drugs. (Apr 2012)
  • Requested an earmark to fund a drug-war program. (Apr 2012)
  • War on drugs a guise to militarize police against minorities. (Apr 2012)
  • Opposes considering drug use immoral. (Feb 2012)
  • Blacks disproportionately imprisoned for victimless crimes. (Jan 2012)
  • Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it. (Jan 2012)
  • I support legalization of marijuana. (Jan 2012)
  • Tough sentences for dealers; but new drug courts too. (Jan 2012)
  • Warehousing non-violent offenders is a costly policy failure. (Jan 2012)
  • Marijuana is dangerous because it's illegal, not vice-versa. (Dec 2011)
  • Notes the revenue potential of an acre of marijuana. (Dec 2011)
  • Treat drug abuse as a health matter, not a criminal matter. (Dec 2011)
  • Afghans wanted roads; Bush wanted aerial poppy eradication. (Nov 2011)
  • Cancel the drug war, and cancel its violence. (Nov 2011)
  • High school: didn't drink; didn't smoke; didn't do drugs. (Nov 2011)
  • Don't sacrifice safety to murderous thugs of drug cartels. (Oct 2011)
  • 1996: Allow Wasilla bars to stay open until 5 AM. (Sep 2011)
  • Add Virginia to High Intensity Drug Trafficking program. (Sep 2011)
  • Drug abuse is a sickness and we've got to treat the sickness. (Sep 2011)
  • Our drug war is driving our immigration policy. (Sep 2011)
  • Drug use is detrimental to society, but let states decide. (Aug 2011)
  • Drug use isn't immoral, though it's unintelligent. (Aug 2011)
  • Father and grandfather both suffered from alcoholism. (Aug 2011)
  • Drug testing for welfare recipients. (Jul 2011)
  • Exclude industrial hemp from definition of marijuana. (Jul 2011)
  • Expunge records for first drug offenders after probation. (Jul 2011)
  • Criminalize "doctor-shopping" to obtain prescription opiates. (Jun 2011)
  • Sentences should stand despite crack-vs.-powder rule change. (Jun 2011)
  • Exclude industrial hemp from definition of marijuana. (May 2011)
  • Secure borders to stop illegal immigrants & drugs. (May 2011)
  • We don't need laws to tell us to not use heroin. (May 2011)
  • Alternative sentencing for marijuana possession. (Apr 2011)
  • Ban synthetic marijuana. (Apr 2011)
  • Drug testing for welfare recipients. (Apr 2011)
  • Drug War allows drug lords to make a lot more money. (Apr 2011)
  • It costs us less to rehabilitate than to jail someone. (Apr 2011)
  • Marijuana legalization would tear America apart. (Apr 2011)
  • Never smoked pot; never legalized it in Utah. (Apr 2011)
  • Opposes legalization of recreational or medical marijuana. (Apr 2011)
  • Someday we'll wake up and end the Second Prohibition. (Apr 2011)
  • While we fight "war on drugs", Afghans do our drug business. (Apr 2011)
  • Focus on rehabilitation for drug abuse. (Mar 2011)
  • Laws against selling drugs and using drugs are good laws. (Mar 2011)
  • Smoked pot in college, but knew it was wrong. (Mar 2011)
  • 1971: Arrested and convicted of drug use in college. (Feb 2011)
  • Develop counterdrug strategy for federal open lands. (Feb 2011)
  • Fight cross-border violence as part of drug war. (Feb 2011)
  • Fight the scourge of illegal narcotics with a vengeance. (Jan 2011)
  • Heavier penalties for drug trade; but not for possession. (Jan 2011)
  • 1976: DUI resulted in $150 fine & no driving in Maine. (Nov 2010)
  • 1995: Should have disclosed DUI during Texas jury duty. (Nov 2010)
  • 2000 election eve DUI revelation got campaign off-message. (Nov 2010)
  • Avoided DUI publicity to keep daughters from their own DUI. (Nov 2010)
  • Decriminalize marijuana once concerns are addressed. (Nov 2010)
  • Don't legalize medical marijuana. (Nov 2010)
  • Drug trade causes soaring violence on southern border. (Nov 2010)
  • Helped establish treatment program for recovering addicts. (Nov 2010)
  • Mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs. (Nov 2010)
  • Medical marijuana OK for California, but not Texas. (Nov 2010)
  • Never experimented with drugs as a youth. (Nov 2010)
  • No marijuana decriminalization but alternative sentencing ok. (Nov 2010)
  • Only a change on the inside allowed quitting alcohol. (Nov 2010)
  • Rehabilitate non-violent criminals; don't throw away the key. (Nov 2010)
  • 1989: WWE exonerated unanimously of steroid doctor misdeeds. (Oct 2010)
  • Admitted to marijuana usage, but no hard drugs. (Oct 2010)
  • Bring marijuana sales under a legal regulatory framework. (Sep 2010)
  • Dubbed "Mommy Mayor" and "Nanny Bloomberg" for anti-smoking. (Sep 2010)
  • Mandatory prison for drugs, with substance-abuse treatment. (Sep 2010)
  • Provide Mexico support in war on drugs. (Sep 2010)
  • Stopped smoking at 30; then became anti-smoking proselytizer. (Sep 2010)
  • No mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs. (Aug 2010)
  • At end of Cold War, re-declared War on Drugs. (Jun 2010)
  • Canceled Bolivian trade for failing counter-narcotics. (Jun 2010)
  • Drug War intended to frighten people into obedience. (Jun 2010)
  • Drug War punishes Bolivia for promoting democracy. (Jun 2010)
  • Drug use morality depends on circumstances. (May 2010)
  • Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it. (Apr 2010)
  • Sponsored bill for TV ads to prevent teenage meth use. (Apr 2010)
  • TV ads to prevent teenage meth use. (Apr 2010)
  • 1986: Nicaraguan Contras support network of drug trafficking. (Mar 2010)
  • Banks & prison-industrial complex gets rich on the drug war. (Mar 2010)
  • Coined phrase "War on Drugs" in 1969. (Mar 2010)
  • Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it. (Mar 2010)
  • Drug use morality depends on type of drugs and their use. (Mar 2010)
  • Husband acquitted of steroid distribution in WWE. (Mar 2010)
  • Invest in drug courts: put low-risk offenders on better path. (Feb 2010)
  • Deport illegal aliens who are drug dealers. (Nov 2009)
  • Mandatory minimum sentences for career drug dealers. (Nov 2009)
  • Stop dependence on drug trade in Afghanistan. (Nov 2009)
  • OpEd: More Mexicans killed in Drug War than soldiers in Iraq. (Aug 2009)
  • Prosecuted marijuana case for growing 100 lbs hydroponically. (Jul 2009)
  • 2001: Both daughters arrested for alcohol possession. (Jun 2009)
  • Prosecuted cocaine trafficking cases. (Jun 2009)
  • Yes, he still smokes while President. (Jun 2009)
  • Let states legalize industrial hemp. (Apr 2009)
  • Recommend drug policy to deal with growth of incarceration. (Apr 2009)
  • Sponsored bill letting states legalize industrial hemp. (Apr 2009)
  • Drug use is immoral, enforce laws against it. (Mar 2009)
  • Distribute sterile syringes to reduce AIDS and hepatitis. (Jan 2009)
  • Rockefeller Drug Laws have failed badly. (Jan 2009)
  • End the war on drugs. (Nov 2008)
  • Strengthen penalties and sentences for drug-related crimes. (Nov 2008)
  • Don't regulate drug use on basis of immorality. (Sep 2008)
  • Provided more substance abuse treatment for drug offenders. (Sep 2008)
  • Rejected making Wasilla bars close earlier than 5 AM. (Sep 2008)
  • 1970s: Treat drug addiction as crisis: interdict at border. (Aug 2008)
  • Congress should never legislate morality, including drugs. (Aug 2008)
  • Don't fight drug use as a moral issue. (Aug 2008)
  • Drug addiction is a social issue, not criminal. (Aug 2008)
  • Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it. (Aug 2008)
  • End methamphetamine and drug abuse in our communities. (Aug 2008)
  • Highway fatalities down because of strict drunk driving laws. (Aug 2008)
  • Immoral is a lousy reason for drug law. (Aug 2008)
  • Laws against drug use have not stopped the use of drugs. (Aug 2008)
  • No federal authority to regulate drug use. (Aug 2008)
  • Opposes the drug war. (Aug 2008)
  • Supports Personal Use of Marijuana Act. (Aug 2008)
  • Treat addiction, but mandatory jail sentences for selling. (Aug 2008)
  • Treat kids' substance abuse as a mental health issue. (Aug 2008)
  • Worked with Pres. Nixon to begin "War on Drugs". (Aug 2008)
  • Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it. (Jul 2008)
  • Enhance interdiction by criminalizing unflagged submarines. (Jul 2008)
  • Enforce laws against drug use. (Jun 2008)
  • Favors the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. (Jun 2008)
  • Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs. (Jun 2008)
  • Move from incarceration policy to treatment based solution. (Jun 2008)
  • No national nannies: leave smokers alone. (Jun 2008)
  • The "war" on drugs has been a spectacular failure. (Jun 2008)
  • Tobacco & obesity kill many more people than drug abuse. (Jun 2008)
  • Treat drug use as a public health issue. (Jun 2008)
  • Voted NO on more funding for Mexico to fight drugs. (Jun 2008)
  • Voted YES on more funding for Mexico to fight drugs. (Jun 2008)
  • Zero Tolerance on drug laws. (Jun 2008)
  • Considered hypocritical for hard line on cocaine after using. (May 2008)
  • Former bad habits are message to learn from experience. (May 2008)
  • Nov. 2000: DUI revelation probably cost Bush popular vote. (May 2008)
  • Punishment rather than drug treatment does not work. (May 2008)
  • Let states decide medical marijuana laws. (Apr 2008)
  • Treat marijuana like we treat alcohol and tobacco. (Apr 2008)
  • Maintain Byrne/JAG anti-drug funds at $520M instead of $170M. (Mar 2008)
  • ACLU shouldn't protest random drug sweeps in public housing. (Feb 2008)
  • Expand drug courts; help prisoners with substance abuse. (Feb 2008)
  • Fight to rid our communities of meth. (Feb 2008)
  • Legalize medical marijuana & needle exchanges. (Feb 2008)
  • Look at needle exchange; and expand treatment. (Feb 2008)
  • The drug war has failed, despite $50B annually. (Feb 2008)
  • Allow rehabilitated drug convicts get student loans. (Jan 2008)
  • CIA has admitted it was involved in drug-dealing. (Jan 2008)
  • Detoxification & rehabilitation--not incarceration. (Jan 2008)
  • End Meth Now: stop the scourge. (Jan 2008)
  • End the war on drugs. (Jan 2008)
  • 1999: doubled methamphetamine sentences. (Dec 2007)
  • AdWatch: Got tough on drugs like meth in Massachusetts. (Dec 2007)
  • FactCheck: Romney’s tough-on-drugs meth bill never passed. (Dec 2007)
  • FactCheck: Romney�s tough-on-drugs meth bill never passed. (Dec 2007)
  • Reduce sentencing disparity for crack cocaine retroactively. (Dec 2007)
  • War on drugs is out of control; revert control to states. (Dec 2007)
  • Took lead on drug policy & narcotics control. (Nov 2007)
  • 2001: questions harsh penalties for drug dealing. (Oct 2007)
  • Not first candidate to use drugs, but first honest about it. (Oct 2007)
  • Oppose decriminalizing marijuana; it sends wrong signal. (Oct 2007)
  • $500B on War on Drugs since 1970s has been a total failure. (Sep 2007)
  • Absolutely do not lower drinking age from 21. (Sep 2007)
  • Alcohol problems significant; keep drinking age at 21. (Sep 2007)
  • Allow medical marijuana; and allow decriminalization too. (Sep 2007)
  • Decriminalize marijuana but don’t legalize it. (Sep 2007)
  • Decriminalize marijuana but don�t legalize it. (Sep 2007)
  • Do not lower drinking age from 21 to 18. (Sep 2007)
  • FactCheck: 40,000 babies with alcohol syndrome, not 300,000. (Sep 2007)
  • Increase penalties for dealing drugs near schools. (Sep 2007)
  • Inner-city minorities are punished unfairly in war on drugs. (Sep 2007)
  • Keep drinking age at 21; enforce but also rehab. (Sep 2007)
  • More drug courts & rehab, instead of incarceration. (Sep 2007)
  • National ban on smoking would reduce chronic illnesses. (Sep 2007)
  • Repeal most federal drug laws; blacks are treated unfairly. (Sep 2007)
  • Require chemical resellers to certify against meth use. (Sep 2007)
  • Supports national ban on smoking in public places. (Sep 2007)
  • A “secret smoker”, especially around reporters. (Aug 2007)
  • A �secret smoker�, especially around reporters. (Aug 2007)
  • Experimented with cocaine but turned down heroin. (Aug 2007)
  • Mandatory sentence & higher penalty for repeat drunk driving. (Aug 2007)
  • Combat the ruthless narco-terrorists in Colombia. (Jul 2007)
  • Most violent crime is related to drugs. (Jul 2007)
  • Divert drug offenders out of prison system. (Jun 2007)
  • Drug education fails; drug punishment works. (Jun 2007)
  • End harsher sentencing for crack vs. powder cocaine. (Jun 2007)
  • Help convicts with drug counseling & job counseling. (Jun 2007)
  • Maintain alcohol sale database; bar giving alcohol to minors. (Jun 2007)
  • De-criminalize first-time possession of marijuana. (May 2007)
  • Tried to ban methadone treatment for heroin addicts. (May 2007)
  • Rename "Drug Abuse" institute as "Diseases of Addiction". (Mar 2007)
  • Treatment & education over enforcement & incarceration. (Mar 2007)
  • Protect the border from drug traffickers. (Feb 2007)
  • Smokes cigarettes now; smoked some pot in high school. (Feb 2007)
  • Admitted marijuana use in high school & college. (Jan 2007)
  • In Dorismond drug shooting, sullied victim as “no choirboy”. (Jan 2007)
  • In Dorismond drug shooting, sullied victim as �no choirboy�. (Jan 2007)
  • Increased funding and set up working group against meth use. (Jan 2007)
  • Legalize industrial hemp. (Jan 2007)
  • Reduced number of crystal methamphetamine labs. (Jan 2007)
  • Rehabilitate drug offenders; more drug-court counselors. (Jan 2007)
  • Supports drug courts for non-violent drug offendors. (Jan 2007)
  • Created nation's Drug Czar Office & drug courts. (Dec 2006)
  • Federal grants to Indian tribes to fight methamphetamine. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated +10 by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated +15 by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated +20 by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated +25 by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated +30 by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated +5 by NORML, indicating a mixed record on drug reform. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated -10 by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated -15 by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated -20 by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated -25 by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated -30 by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated -5 by NORML, indicating a mixed record on drug reform. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated Zero by NORML, indicating a mixed record on drug reform. (Dec 2006)
  • 30 years for manufacturers of meth. (Nov 2006)
  • Allow medical marijuana. (Nov 2006)
  • Cannot just throw people in jail for drugs; more treatment. (Nov 2006)
  • Combat the methamphetamine crisis. (Nov 2006)
  • Comprehensive anti-meth bill to fight the scourge of meth. (Nov 2006)
  • Fight meth & dealers; treat drug abusers. (Nov 2006)
  • International drug traders use network for terrorist traffic. (Nov 2006)
  • Make Oregon one of the toughest places to produce Meth. (Nov 2006)
  • Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs. (Nov 2006)
  • Medical marijuana ok; but more penalties for distributors. (Nov 2006)
  • More funding for Colombia to combat the war on drugs. (Nov 2006)
  • National model in the war in methamphetamine. (Nov 2006)
  • Restrict sale of products used to make methamphetamine. (Nov 2006)
  • Tougher penalties for drug dealers; more tools against meth. (Nov 2006)
  • Vigilant in war against dangerous methamphetamine. (Nov 2006)
  • 1986: Oversaw National Narcotics Border Interdiction System. (Oct 2006)
  • 1990: Make fighting the drug problem a top priority. (Oct 2006)
  • Appointed first state Drug Czar; fight Rx drug abuse & more. (Oct 2006)
  • Deal with street-level drug dealing as minimum-wage affair. (Oct 2006)
  • Legalize marijuana and tax it. (Oct 2006)
  • Medical marijuana ok; more drug treatment programs. (Oct 2006)
  • Questions cruise ship gambling, under casino gambling ban. (Oct 2006)
  • Repealing Patriot Act would cost us the Meth Control Act. (Oct 2006)
  • The Drug war on the Constitution is insane. (Oct 2006)
  • Mandatory jail for drugs; but medical marijuana ok. (Sep 2006)
  • Review current marijuana laws for cases of incurable disease. (Sep 2006)
  • Drug use is a health issue, not a moral issue. (Aug 2006)
  • Opposes legalizing marijuana, but meth is greater threat. (Aug 2006)
  • Right to privacy protects marijuana protection. (Aug 2006)
  • Smoked marijuana when it was legal under Alaska law. (Aug 2006)
  • 2006: Asked Mexican president to overturn drug legalization. (Jul 2006)
  • Permit over-the-counter sale of needles. (Jul 2006)
  • Top priorities include gangs & drugs; they harm family life. (Jul 2006)
  • Don't legalize drugs that destroy our young people. (May 2006)
  • More border security and stricter sentencing for drugs. (May 2006)
  • No drug czar to fight the methamphetamine epidemic. (May 2006)
  • Congressional limit on troops in Colombia is “advisory” only. (Apr 2006)
  • Congressional limit on troops in Colombia is �advisory� only. (Apr 2006)
  • Kids living with married parents less likely to use drugs. (Apr 2006)
  • Adequate treatment options first, to deal with meth. (Mar 2006)
  • Focus attention on the growing meth problem. (Mar 2006)
  • Making drugs illegal just raise the price & causes crime. (Mar 2006)
  • Use of drugs & alcohol is none of the government's business. (Mar 2006)
  • Let patients use medical marijuana. (Feb 2006)
  • Prohibition failed; legalize drugs like alcohol. (Feb 2006)
  • Drug use is immoral. (Jan 2006)
  • Less drug abuse means less crime. (Jan 2006)
  • Protect Nebraskans from the very dangerous drug, meth. (Jan 2006)
  • Sports "natural high" makes for less drug abuse. (Jan 2006)
  • Wrong time to cut drug enforcement spending. (Jan 2006)
  • Runs alcohol abuse consultancy based on personal experience. (Dec 2005)
  • Supporter of needle exchange programs. (Dec 2005)
  • Pushed “War on DWI”--you drink, you drive, you lose. (Nov 2005)
  • Pushed �War on DWI�--you drink, you drive, you lose. (Nov 2005)
  • Narcotics trafficking funds terrorism and corruption. (Oct 2005)
  • Favors medical marijuana and needle-exchange programs. (Aug 2005)
  • Mandatory reporting and tracking of overdose patients. (Jul 2005)
  • Establish drug testing standards for major league sports. (May 2005)
  • Sponsored bill on drug testing for major league sports. (May 2005)
  • DARE-style programs to educate kids about drugs and violence. (Feb 2005)
  • Decriminalize marijuana possession. (Nov 2004)
  • Increase penalties for drugs; but more treatment centers too. (Nov 2004)
  • Interstate commerce laws do not apply to personal marijuana. (Nov 2004)
  • Supports medical marijuana. (Nov 2004)
  • Too many crimes related to drug use. (Nov 2004)
  • Decision on ingesting drugs should be left to individuals. (Oct 2004)
  • Decriminalize marijuana. (Oct 2004)
  • Designate more High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. (Oct 2004)
  • Drug courts and alternatives for non-violent offenders. (Oct 2004)
  • Drug use is a cultural problem. (Oct 2004)
  • Educate and assist drug users, instead of prohibition. (Oct 2004)
  • Jails filled with victims of drug use. (Oct 2004)
  • Marijuana should not be legalized for medical use. (Oct 2004)
  • More border security against illegal drugs. (Oct 2004)
  • Penalize marijuana use with fines rather than prison time. (Oct 2004)
  • Recognized as Guardian of a Drug-Free America. (Oct 2004)
  • Three strikes law is worst in drug cases. (Oct 2004)
  • War on drugs is really war on American people. (Oct 2004)
  • 1989: Convicted Panamanian dictator in drug trafficking. (Sep 2004)
  • More drug education and drug treatment programs. (Sep 2004)
  • More money for borders & Colombia for war on drugs. (Sep 2004)
  • Never denied using illegal drugs, just "hard drugs". (Sep 2004)
  • Opposed 2000 initiative for medical use of marijuana. (Sep 2004)
  • Re-examine and repeal drug laws. (Sep 2004)
  • A “carefree lad” who drank but never did drugs. (Aug 2004)
  • A �carefree lad� who drank but never did drugs. (Aug 2004)
  • Fight methamphetamine production and trafficking. (Aug 2004)
  • Need stronger enforcement of drug laws. (Aug 2004)
  • Spiritual reawakening ended beer and bourbon consumption. (Aug 2004)
  • Stricter interdiction and stricter sentencing. (Aug 2004)
  • Stricter jail and tighter borders for drugs. (Aug 2004)
  • Stricter sentencing and tighter borders for drugs. (Aug 2004)
  • Illegal drug traffickers are murderers. (Jul 2004)
  • Mandatory jail for selling drugs. (Jul 2004)
  • Rehabilitation, not incarceration. (Jul 2004)
  • The Clintons welcomed drug criminals into White House. (Jul 2004)
  • Allow states to decide medical marijuana laws. (Jun 2004)
  • Decriminalize marijuana for adults, like alcohol. (Jun 2004)
  • Cleanup methamphetamine in rural communities. (May 2004)
  • Legalize marijuana for all adults over 21. (May 2004)
  • Tolerate decriminalization of marijuana, like alcohol. (May 2004)
  • We Hempsters will fight for our hemp rights. (May 2004)
  • 1985: Stopped drinking when reconfigured by deepening faith. (Apr 2004)
  • Did not drink much, but not a teetotaler. (Apr 2004)
  • Create a prescription drug tracking system to prevent abuse. (Mar 2004)
  • Funding to reduce teen substance abuse and tobacco use. (Mar 2004)
  • Supports drug courts and alternatives to incarceration. (Mar 2004)
  • Target traffickers as well as reducing demand. (Mar 2004)
  • Voted NO on earmark for women's substance abuse program. (Feb 2004)
  • $23 million more for drug-testing in schools. (Jan 2004)
  • 1967: Skeptical of the illicit drug culture. (Jan 2004)
  • Aggressive drug education, treatment & enforcement. (Jan 2004)
  • Crack down on illegal drug labs. (Jan 2004)
  • Decriminalize minor marijuana possession & medical marijuana. (Jan 2004)
  • Disparity in penalty for crack vs. powder is not justified. (Jan 2004)
  • Establish Methamphetamine Education & Prevention Task Force. (Jan 2004)
  • Fight against Methamphetamine is working. (Jan 2004)
  • Never touched marijuana nor opium while in Vietnam. (Jan 2004)
  • Use of performance-enhancing steroids sends wrong message. (Jan 2004)
  • In Congress, a strong supporter of the War on Drugs. (Dec 2003)
  • Rated A by VOTE-HEMP, indicating a pro-hemp voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Rated A+ by VOTE-HEMP, indicating a pro-hemp voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Rated B- by VOTE-HEMP, indicating a pro-hemp voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Rated C- by VOTE-HEMP, indicating an anti-hemp voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Rated D by VOTE-HEMP, indicating an anti-hemp voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Rated F by VOTE-HEMP, indicating an anti-hemp voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Admits having smoked marijuana. (Nov 2003)
  • Apologizes for never having smoked marijuana. (Nov 2003)
  • Smoked marijuana in the past, as did other Dems. (Nov 2003)
  • Treat drug abuse as a medical problem, not a judicial one. (Nov 2003)
  • $70M to combat methamphetamine. (Sep 2003)
  • Supports medical marijuana to reduce suffering. (Sep 2003)
  • Supports medical marijuana, if properly distributed. (Sep 2003)
  • Supports medical marijuana; fight Bush to keep Prop 215. (Sep 2003)
  • Supports medical marijuana; tobacco is more addictive. (Sep 2003)
  • $600M plan help 300,000 addicts via vouchers. (Aug 2003)
  • Evaluate marijuana & legalize for valid medical purposes. (Aug 2003)
  • No legalization except for the medicinal use of marijuana. (Aug 2003)
  • Use faith-based programs for addicted Americans. (Aug 2003)
  • Curb demand side via drug treatment. (Jun 2003)
  • Turned from alcoholism by power of prayer. (Jun 2003)
  • Women targeted by tobacco and alcohol companies. (Feb 2003)
  • Hammer the dealers; treat the casual users. (Jan 2003)
  • Consider loosening enforcement of marijuana laws. (Dec 2002)
  • Drug treatment more effective than incarceration. (Dec 2002)
  • Decriminalize medical marijuana. (Nov 2002)
  • Decriminalize medicinal marijuana. (Nov 2002)
  • More penalties & more jail sentences for illegal drug sales. (Nov 2002)
  • Stricter penalties for drug-related crimes. (Nov 2002)
  • Addicts get treatment; dealers & repeat users get jail. (Oct 2002)
  • Drug Courts and treatment instead of incarceration. (Oct 2002)
  • Drug rehab needs alternatives other than prison. (Oct 2002)
  • No legalization: drugs play an insidious role in crime. (Oct 2002)
  • Reform drug enforcement to improve effectiveness. (Oct 2002)
  • Cracked down on drug dealers: $10M to arrest 1500 dealers. (Sep 2002)
  • Hypocrisy infects America's insane drug war on every level. (Sep 2002)
  • Opposed treatment instead of jail for nonviolent drug users. (Sep 2002)
  • Decriminalize medical marijuana. (Jul 2002)
  • Drug war has focused on blacks and Hispanics. (Jul 2002)
  • Strengthen penalties for drug-related crimes. (Jul 2002)
  • Allow medical marijuana. (Jun 2002)
  • Drug offendors get therapy, not prison. (Jun 2002)
  • Drug offendors never hurt anybody else. (Jun 2002)
  • Poisoning crops & biodiversity justified as "war on drugs". (May 2002)
  • Legalize the medical use of marijuana. (Apr 2002)
  • NYPD will continue to vigorously enforce drug laws. (Apr 2002)
  • You bet I smoked pot; and I enjoyed it. (Apr 2002)
  • 1990: Declaration of Cartagena to fight war on drugs. (Mar 2002)
  • 2000: Posted in Ecuador in support of local anti-drug effort. (Nov 2001)
  • Mandatory prison sentences for drug offenses. (Nov 2001)
  • Tougher penalties for dealers. (Nov 2001)
  • Drug War fosters violence at home & breeds resentment abroad. (Oct 2001)
  • Voted NO on military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism. (Sep 2001)
  • Voted YES on military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism. (Sep 2001)
  • States should make drug policy, not feds. (Aug 2001)
  • Legalize medical marijuana. (Jul 2001)
  • DEA has no meaningful performance goals on illegal drugs. (Jun 2001)
  • Medical marijuana partly allowed, but he doesn’t like it. (May 2001)
  • Medical marijuana partly allowed, but he doesn�t like it. (May 2001)
  • Supports community sentencing in drug courts. (Feb 2001)
  • Crack down on drug kingpins as well as others. (Jan 2001)
  • Created alternative to prison for 1st time drug offenders. (Jan 2001)
  • Enact more laws to fight methamphetamines. (Jan 2001)
  • Illegal drugs are not an acceptable part of our society. (Jan 2001)
  • Reduced supply of dangerous drugs. (Jan 2001)
  • Supports drug courts & breaking the drug cycle. (Jan 2001)
  • Target meth with more manpower. (Jan 2001)
  • Treatment for drug use instead of incarceration. (Jan 2001)
  • Advocates for war on drugs. (Dec 2000)
  • Enforce drug laws to reduce crime. (Dec 2000)
  • More resources to target meth production. (Dec 2000)
  • War on Drugs has abused Bill of Rights . (Dec 2000)
  • Zealous proponent of the war on drugs. (Dec 2000)
  • Changed license in 1995 to avoid DUI arrest disclosure. (Nov 2000)
  • Increase penalties for selling illegal drugs. (Nov 2000)
  • No roadblocks with drug-sniffing dogs. (Nov 2000)
  • Prohibit the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. (Nov 2000)
  • Roadblocks with drug-sniffing dogs are OK. (Nov 2000)
  • Tougher anti-meth laws. (Nov 2000)
  • $2.8B more for Drug War, for state treatment & abroad. (Oct 2000)
  • 1968: Anti-drug poster boy for Air National Guard. (Oct 2000)
  • Before we had drug laws, we didn’t have big drug problems. (Oct 2000)
  • Before we had drug laws, we didn�t have big drug problems. (Oct 2000)
  • Clinton-Gore drug policy is inconsistent and has failed. (Oct 2000)
  • Decriminalize non-violent drug offenses. (Oct 2000)
  • Failed War on Drugs endangers communities. (Oct 2000)
  • Federal duty to protect borders; local duty to protect self. (Oct 2000)
  • Opposes "Drug use is immoral". (Oct 2000)
  • Opposes “Drug use is immoral”. (Oct 2000)
  • Opposes �Drug use is immoral�. (Oct 2000)
  • Vote helped pass crime bill, drug courts, community police. (Oct 2000)
  • Assisted Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" program. (Sep 2000)
  • Harsh sentences imprison 683,000 citizens; not drug kingpins. (Sep 2000)
  • Legalize marijuana, and treat addiction as a health problem. (Sep 2000)
  • Marijuana is the 1st step; tough penalties needed. (Sep 2000)
  • Neutral on "Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it". (Sep 2000)
  • Quit drinking when alcohol started to compete with family. (Sep 2000)
  • Supports "Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it". (Sep 2000)
  • Supports “Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it”. (Sep 2000)
  • Supports �Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it�. (Sep 2000)
  • Tougher sentencing for drug crimes. (Sep 2000)
  • Treat hemp like poppy seeds, not like heroin. (Sep 2000)
  • We're 5% of world's population but use 50% of cocaine. (Sep 2000)
  • Good parenting is the best ‘anti-drug’ we have. (Aug 2000)
  • Good parenting is the best �anti-drug� we have. (Aug 2000)
  • Legalize medical marijuana. (Aug 2000)
  • More federal funding for all aspects of Drug War. (Aug 2000)
  • Decriminalize medical marijuana. (Jul 2000)
  • Drug addiction is a health problem, not a crime. (Jul 2000)
  • Drug War fails like Prohibition did. (Jul 2000)
  • Drug War is a disaster: need more prevention. (Jul 2000)
  • Let states decide drug laws, not feds. (Jul 2000)
  • Stiffer penalties for drug-related crimes. (Jul 2000)
  • We can’t mandate an end to personal tragedies, like drugs. (Jul 2000)
  • We can�t mandate an end to personal tragedies, like drugs. (Jul 2000)
  • Drug efforts in Colombia OK if joined with society-building. (Jun 2000)
  • Feds must help border counties fight drug traffickers. (Jun 2000)
  • Loss of the Panama Canal bases will increase drugs here. (Jun 2000)
  • Remove industrial hemp from DEA drug list. (Jun 2000)
  • Replace Drug War with treatment and alternative sentencing. (Jun 2000)
  • Drug War breaches 4th Amendment civil rights. (May 2000)
  • Replace hypocrisy of drug prohibition with common sense. (May 2000)
  • Supports legalization of industrial hemp. (May 2000)
  • Supports Weed and Seed anti-drug program. (May 2000)
  • No tactile inspection by police for drugs. (Apr 2000)
  • She’s the Peace candidate in the War on Drugs. (Apr 2000)
  • She�s the Peace candidate in the War on Drugs. (Apr 2000)
  • Tactile inspection for drugs should be legal, like visual. (Apr 2000)
  • More funds for drug treatment; tackle demand, not supply. (Mar 2000)
  • Stronger penalties for first time cocaine possession. (Mar 2000)
  • Supports military package to Colombia to fight drug supply. (Mar 2000)
  • Be scared of the Drug War more than scared of drugs. (Jan 2000)
  • Decriminalize pot; end the war on drugs. (Jan 2000)
  • Drug War makes streets a war zone. (Jan 2000)
  • Identifies with former addicts based on former alcoholism. (Jan 2000)
  • Legalize medical marijuana; educate for prevention. (Jan 2000)
  • More border security needed. (Jan 2000)
  • No mandatory sentencing for first-time drug offenders. (Jan 2000)
  • Stricter drug penalties; more border security. (Jan 2000)
  • Stricter penalties; more border security. (Jan 2000)
  • Candidates’ long-past drug use shouldn’t matter. (Dec 1999)
  • Candidates� long-past drug use shouldn�t matter. (Dec 1999)
  • Drugs are designed to dull our moral integrity. (Nov 1999)
  • Increased penalties for drug offenses. (Nov 1999)
  • Legalization makes America safe for Colombian drug cartels. (Nov 1999)
  • Voted NO on increasing penalties for drug offenses. (Nov 1999)
  • Voted YES on increasing penalties for drug offenses. (Nov 1999)
  • Aggressive public education campaign that drugs aren’t cool. (Oct 1999)
  • Aggressive public education campaign that drugs aren�t cool. (Oct 1999)
  • Decertify countries who do not combat drugs. (Oct 1999)
  • Double the Mexican border patrol to keep drugs out. (Oct 1999)
  • Drug problem is a symptom of governmental lack of discipline. (Oct 1999)
  • End aid to Colombia until they wipe out narco-guerillas. (Oct 1999)
  • It’s a moral crisis, not a drug problem. (Oct 1999)
  • It�s a moral crisis, not a drug problem. (Oct 1999)
  • Use all branches of the military in Drug War. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted NO on prohibiting needle exchange & medical marijuana in DC. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted YES on prohibiting needle exchange & medical marijuana in DC. (Oct 1999)
  • Candidate drug use matters; admits pot but no cocaine. (Sep 1999)
  • War on drugs is a failure; decriminalize. (Sep 1999)
  • Admits pot use; but it’s none of your business. (Aug 1999)
  • Admits pot use; but it�s none of your business. (Aug 1999)
  • Crime rate soared in 70s Drug War like in 30s Prohibition. (Aug 1999)
  • Decriminalization instead of prisons. (Aug 1999)
  • Did not use drugs for the last 25 years. (Aug 1999)
  • Full background checks on drug use for all appointees. (Aug 1999)
  • Parents make up for past by warning kids against drugs. (Aug 1999)
  • Replace costs of enforcement with costs of addiction. (Aug 1999)
  • Unhealthy pleasures should be decided by individuals. (Aug 1999)
  • Would “lead a crusade” against illegal drugs. (Aug 1999)
  • Would �lead a crusade� against illegal drugs. (Aug 1999)
  • Avoid violating rights, but fight drugs more vigorously. (Jul 1999)
  • Increased govt monitoring does nothing to reduce drug use. (Jul 1999)
  • Legalization removes the rebellious appeal of drugs. (Jul 1999)
  • Reduce drug use by 50% by prevention & enforcement. (Jul 1999)
  • Reducing supply isn’t enough-we must blunt demand. (Jul 1999)
  • Reducing supply isn�t enough-we must blunt demand. (Jul 1999)
  • No medicinal marijuana - create synthetics instead. (May 1999)
  • Resist legalization; incarcerate chronic users. (May 1999)
  • Stop drugs at the border; pressure Mexico to help. (May 1999)
  • Tolerating drugs implies abandoning children. (May 1999)
  • Ban federal funding for needle-exchange programs. (Mar 1999)
  • Passion for a drug-free America. (Mar 1999)
  • Applauds community-based fight against drug epidemic. (Feb 1999)
  • Bank profiles aimed at drug dealers will fail. (Feb 1999)
  • Reduce demand for this “personal and national evil”. (Feb 1999)
  • Reduce demand for this �personal and national evil�. (Feb 1999)
  • Stop being so afraid of marijuana; some uses are OK. (Jan 1999)
  • Stopped taking steroids & made FDA posters against them. (Jan 1999)
  • The war on drugs has failed; look for other solutions. (Jan 1999)
  • Tougher drunk-driving laws for repeat offenders. (Jan 1999)
  • Encourages abstinence from tobacco, drugs or alcohol. . (Dec 1998)
  • In favor of random drug testing. (Dec 1998)
  • Decriminalize medicinal marijuana. (Nov 1998)
  • End mandatory minimum sentences for drug-related crimes. (Nov 1998)
  • Increase penalties for illegal drugs. (Nov 1998)
  • Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs. (Nov 1998)
  • Strength penalties for drugs, especially meth. (Nov 1998)
  • Strengthen drug penalties; also strengthen rehabilitation. (Nov 1998)
  • Strengthen penalties for drug-related crimes. (Nov 1998)
  • Jail won’t work when we can’t even keep drugs out of prisons. (Oct 1998)
  • Jail won�t work when we can�t even keep drugs out of prisons. (Oct 1998)
  • Rethink approach to drugs; “more of the same” fails. (Oct 1998)
  • Rethink approach to drugs; �more of the same� fails. (Oct 1998)
  • Voted NO on subjecting federal employees to random drug tests. (Sep 1998)
  • Voted YES on subjecting federal employees to random drug tests. (Sep 1998)
  • Drug-free society focuses on both drug supply & demand. (Jul 1998)
  • Schools were safer before the War on Drugs. (Jul 1998)
  • Stricter penalties for drugs; more funding & border security. (Jul 1998)
  • Cali cocaine cartel can't coexist with democracy in Colombia. (Jun 1998)
  • Colombia is entirely criminalized by drug cartels. (Jun 1998)
  • Supports DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). (Feb 1998)
  • Can’t overstate the damage that drugs are doing. (Jan 1998)
  • Can�t overstate the damage that drugs are doing. (Jan 1998)
  • Drug policy should be an integral part of foreign policy. (Sep 1997)
  • Informational videos don't work and never will. (Sep 1997)
  • Favors "clean" needle giveaways to drug addicts. (Aug 1997)
  • Strengthen penalties for drug-related crimes. (Jul 1997)
  • Drug use is falling anyway; drug war is fraudulent. (Feb 1997)
  • “Just Say No” is ignored by urban kids. (Jan 1997)
  • Allow people harmed by drugs to sue drug dealers. (Jan 1997)
  • �Just Say No� is ignored by urban kids. (Jan 1997)
  • Put drunk drivers behind bars on first offense. (Dec 1996)
  • Capital punishment for drug traffickers. (Nov 1996)
  • Increase penalties for selling illegal drugs. (Nov 1996)
  • Mandatory jail sentences for selling drugs. (Nov 1996)
  • Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs. (Nov 1996)
  • More drug testing; more drug penalties. (Nov 1996)
  • More penalties; more testing; more drug war funding. (Nov 1996)
  • Require drug testing for federal employees. (Nov 1996)
  • Strengthen penalties for drug-related crimes. (Nov 1996)
  • Less welfare for drug users; tougher sentences for offenders. (Oct 1996)
  • Never hires people who use drugs or alcohol. (Sep 1996)
  • Legal drugs mean lost human potential. (Aug 1996)
  • Legal drugs won’t save money. (Aug 1996)
  • Legal drugs won�t save money. (Aug 1996)
  • Solution to drugs is lessened demand through education. (Aug 1996)
  • Understand why youngsters want to use drugs. (Aug 1996)
  • Bigger drug problem since welfare state started. (Jul 1996)
  • Increase penalties for selling drugs. (Jul 1996)
  • More penalties & drug testing, more education & treatment. (Jul 1996)
  • No sympathy for addicts; no legalization. (Jul 1996)
  • Voted against more funds for int’l narcotics control. (Jul 1996)
  • Voted against more funds for int�l narcotics control. (Jul 1996)
  • Voted NO on spending international development funds on drug control. (Jul 1996)
  • Voted YES on spending international development funds on drug control. (Jul 1996)
  • Govt has no Constitutional authority to prohibit any drugs. (May 1996)
  • No funding anti-gang programs; end Drug War to end gangs. (May 1996)
  • Pardon non-violent drug offenders to free prison space. (May 1996)
  • Justice Dept.'s duty is narcotics trafficking. (Apr 1996)
  • Societal self-help is like 1820s Temperance Movement. (Nov 1995)
  • Crack vs. powder is black vs. white. (Aug 1995)
  • Marijuana is not unconditionally evil; allow medical use. (Jul 1995)
  • Truth is a casualty in the War on Drugs. (Jul 1995)
  • War on Drugs is a crusade against victimless crimes. (Jul 1995)
  • Admitted to smoking marijuana, coming of age in 1960s. (Jun 1995)
  • AdWatch: Arrested for drug possession in 1977. (Jun 1995)
  • I used marijuana at a party once; it had no effect. (Jan 1995)
  • Permissive attitudes lead to considering legalizing drugs. (Jan 1995)
  • Mandatory minimum for drug & gun crimes. (Dec 1994)
  • Replace drug courts with Block Grants. (Dec 1994)
  • More drug penalties; more anti-drug efforts. (Nov 1994)
  • More penalties; more enforcement; more drug treatment. (Nov 1994)
  • Solution to addiction is information, not prohibition. (Oct 1994)
  • Cordon off ghettoes to "vacuum up" guns & drugs. (Jul 1993)
  • Longer sentences and more enforcement will solve drug war. (Jul 1993)
  • Do more for early intervention, as well as street work. (Mar 1993)
  • Drug traffickers will take advantage of open Mexican border. (Jan 1993)
  • Curb supply by eradication; change attitudes to curb demand. (Nov 1992)
  • Deal with drug problem in military terms. (Nov 1992)
  • I don't believe legalizing narcotics is the answer. (Oct 1992)
  • Legalization resolves drug-related crimes. (Oct 1992)
  • Make drug treatment available to all addicts. (Jul 1992)
  • Noriega in prison helps Panama and hurts drug lords. (Apr 1992)
  • US spends as much on illegal drugs as rest of world combined. (Jan 1992)
  • Don't let elite casual drug users off the hook. (Apr 1991)
  • Ensure that no one who wants treatment is excluded. (Apr 1991)
  • Drug War is an excuse for US military intervention abroad. (Jan 1991)
  • Target tobacco & alcohol instead of marijuana. (Jan 1991)
  • Created Drug Courts to give first offenders a second chance. (Jun 1989)
  • Take my word for it: This scourge will stop. (Jan 1989)
  • Societal inconsistency on alcohol contributes to drug use. (Dec 1987)
  • Random drug testing for a drug-free transportation system. (Jan 1987)
  • No mandatory drug sentences unless more prisons built. (Oct 1986)
  • Undercover cocaine investigations despite DEA protests. (Jul 1979)
  • Mandatory sentences for sale of hard drugs. (Jan 1976)
  • Mandatory sentencing for federal drug offenders. (Jun 1975)
  • Mandatory 5-year minimum sentence for 4 ounces of heroin. (Mar 1973)
  • Strong stand against legalizing marijuana. (May 1971)
  • Supports tough drug laws as well as drug education programs. (Dec 1998) Alcoholism