Rick Carfagna
ROhio State House, District 68 (2017 - Present)
Township Trustee, Genoa Township (2010 - Present)
Member, Central Committee, Delaware County Republican Party (? - Present)
To be claimed
Rick Carfagna is a Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives, representing District 68. Carfagna is running for re-election in the primary on May 8, 2018. The general election will take place on November 6, 2018.
Former Member, Agriculture and Rural Development Committee, Ohio State House of Representatives
Former Vice Chair, Public Utilities Committee, Ohio State House of Representatives
Former Member, Rules and Reference Committee, Ohio State House of Representatives
Former Member, State and Local Government Committee, Ohio State House of Representatives
Member, Finance
Member, Financial Institutions
Chair, Subcommittee on Higher Education
Member, Ways and Means
Hobbies or Special Talents:
Relaxing with his family and friends, is an avid football fan, and also enjoys golf, movies, reading, and cooking.
Type: bill Chamber: lower
Type: bill Chamber: lower
Type: resolution Chamber: lower