Richard Shelby on Crime
- Rated 64% by the NAPO, indicating a moderate stance on police issues. (Dec 2014)
- Voted NO on reinstating $1.15 billion funding for the COPS Program. (Mar 2007)
- Rated 29% by CURE, indicating anti-rehabilitation crime votes. (Dec 2000)
- Voted NO on $1.15 billion per year to continue the COPS program. (May 1999)
- Establish an FBI registry of sexual offendors. (Oct 1996)
- Voted YES on limiting death penalty appeals. (Apr 1996)
- Voted NO on limiting product liability punitive damage awards. (Mar 1996)
- Voted NO on restricting class-action lawsuits. (Dec 1995)
- Voted YES on repealing federal speed limits. (Jun 1995)