Former Member, Appropriations Committee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, General Laws Committee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Joint Commission on Technology and Science, Virginia House of Delegates
Former Chair, Science and Technology, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee on Public Safety, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee on Transportation, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Transportation Committee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Virginia Intelligent Transportation Systems Advisory Committee
Former Member, Appropriations Committee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, General Laws Committee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Joint Commission on Technology and Science, Virginia House of Delegates
Former Chair, Science and Technology, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee on Public Safety, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Subcommittee on Transportation, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Transportation Committee, Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates
Former Member, Virginia Intelligent Transportation Systems Advisory Committee
— Awards:
As of August 2017, Anderson's campaign website highlights the following issues:
Rich's experience in working with industry and high-tech firms for the Air Force makes him uniquely qualified to help bring prosperity back to our families. He will work hard to keep taxes low, help small businesses grow, and keep Virginia the best place in the nation to do business.
Rich believes the last thing we need in a time of economic crisis is higher taxes or more wasteful government spending. Instead, spending must be prioritized to those most important government functions such as education, transportation and public safety.
Get our fair share of state transportation dollars, reform and streamline VDOT, and give local communities more control of transportation decisions.
Improve education by restoring control of our schools to parents, teachers and local community leaders, and getting dollars and discipline back into the classroom.
Stand up for our American values like the sanctity of life and the 2nd Amendment.
Type: resolution Chamber: lower
Type: joint resolution Chamber: lower
Type: joint resolution Chamber: lower