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Wyoming Gubernatorial Election 2018 Political Courage Test

Abortion & Reproductive

1. Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
- Pro-choice

2. Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape?
- Yes

3. Do you support the prohibition of public funds for organizations that perform abortions?
- No

4. Other or expanded principles
- I do not support public funds going directly to abortions, but organizations like Planned Parenthood provide essential services and education to women, and they need funding to do that.

Budget, Spending, & Tax

Budget Stabilization:

Indicate which proposals you support (if any) for balancing Wyoming's budget.

1. Reducing state employee salaries AND/OR pensions?
- No

2. Instituting mandatory furloughs AND/OR layoffs for state employees?
- No

3. Reducing benefits for Medicaid recipients?
- No

4. An income tax increase on any tax bracket?
- No

5. Other or expanded principles
- Wyoming does not need an income tax. However, the current Gov, ENDOW, and many Republican legislators agree that our state needs tax reforms in we are to remain solvent moving forward. Currently 70 percent of the state's revenue comes from oil, coal and gas. Those markets have always been unstable, leading to our boom and bust economy. If our government hopes to do it's job in providing critical services, maintaining infrastructure, providing quality education, and securing economic opportunities for Wyoming, something has to change.

Campaign Finance & Government Reform

1. Do you support any limits on campaign contributions to state candidates?
- Yes

2. Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
- Yes

3. Do you support the use of an independent AND/OR bipartisan commission for redistricting?
- Yes

4. Do you support requiring a government-issued photo identification in order to vote at the polls?
- No

5. Other or expanded principles
- Wyoming does not require government-issue photo identification at the polls, and there have not been issues in our state as a result.

Crime & Public Safety

1. Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes?
- No

2. Do you support the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes?
- No

3. Should a minor accused of a violent crime be prosecuted as an adult?
- No

4. Do you support the enforcement of federal immigration laws by state and local police?
- Yes

5. Do you support alternatives to incarceration for certain non-violent offenders, such as mandatory counseling or substance abuse treatment?
- Yes

6. Other or expanded principles
- Incarceration is the most expensive option for dealing with criminals, and of course taxpayers foot the bill. We should be focusing on rehabilitating criminals, either while incarcerated or though alternative programs (especially for non-violent offenders, drug addicts and juveniles). I support programs that offer education and training in marketable skills to offenders. This reduces recidivism rates and increases their opportunities for redemption.


1. Do you support state government spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
- Yes

2. Do you support lowering state taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
- No

3. Do you support reducing state government regulations on the private sector?
- Yes

4. Do you support expanding access to unemployment benefits?
- No Answer

5. Do you support requiring welfare applicants to pass a drug test in order to receive benefits?
- No

6. Do you support an increase of the minimum wage of Wyoming?
- Yes

7. Other or expanded principles
- Nearly any welfare program would require a drug test requirement to pass in our conservative legislature. I am willing to compromise so that families in need have access to the resources they need to survive.


1. Do you support adopting federal education standards in Wyoming?
- No

2. Do you support state funding for charter schools?
- No Answer

3. Should immigrants unlawfully present in the United States who graduate from Wyoming high schools be eligible for in-state tuition at public universities?
- No Answer

4. Other or expanded principles
- In the legislature, I worked across the aisle to reduce standardized testing, to improve school accountability and to protect student privacy.

Environment & Energy

1. Do you support state funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, thermal)?
- Yes

2. Do you support state government regulations of greenhouse gas emissions?
- Yes

3. Do you support increasing state funding for clean drinking water initiatives?
- Yes

4. Other or expanded principles
- Wyoming already has suitable regulations for air quality, which is why I have so often pushed back against federal regulatory overreach. I believe that the state should be in charge when it comes to how we regulate our resources.


1. Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
- No

2. Should background checks be required on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows?
- No

3. Should teachers be allowed to bring guns into the classroom?
- No Answer

4. Should a license be required for gun ownership?
- No Answer

5. Other or expanded principles
- I believe it is up to school districts to decide whether or not they want their teachers to be armed. I am a strong defender of the 2nd Amendment. I grew up around guns and I recognize that the responsible ownership of firearms is integral to Wyoming's culture.


1. Should the state government increase funding for treatment facilities to combat opioid abuse?
- Yes

2. Do you support Medicaid expansion through Wyoming's health care programs?
- Yes

3. Do you support requiring individuals to purchase health care insurance?
- Yes

4. Do you support legislation that grants citizens the right to choose to die through euthanasia?
- Yes

5. Do you support eliminating religious exemptions for vaccinations?
- No

6. Other or expanded principles
- With one simple bill, we could help 20,000 people get access to quality healthcare, with 90% of costs paid for by the federal government. Moreover, Medicaid expansion would help everyone in Wyoming by stabilizing rural hospitals and reducing cost shifting to those with insurance. There has been no ?Wyoming solution? proposed that would be as effective or as affordable as Medicaid expansion.


1. Do you support the inclusion of sexual orientation in Wyoming's anti-discrimination laws?
- Yes

2. Do you support the inclusion of gender identity in Wyoming's anti-discrimination laws?
- Yes

3. Do you support greater efforts by Wyoming state government in closing the pay gap between men and women?
- Yes

4. Other or expanded principles
- Wyoming is the equality state. It's embarrassing that we have such a large gender pay gap. I support anti-discrimination legislation because its the right thing to do and because it is supported by the people and by businesses. It would be beneficial to our economy. Those who don not receive the protections enshrined in the constitution deserve legislation that guarantees their right to a job and a home.

Legislative Priorities

In the following area, please explain in a total of 100 words or less, your top two or three priorities if elected. If they require additional funding for implementation, please explain how you would obtain this funding.
- My top three priorities are ending the boom and bust cycle in Wyoming, expanding Medicaid, and properly funding our education system. Medicaid is covered almost entirely by the federal government, and requires little commitment on Wyoming's part. Stabilizing our economy and funding education will both require tax reforms; the current governor, ENDOW, and many Republican legislators recognize the need for tax reforms in Wyoming. Without them, our dependence on the energy industries will continue, and our state's revenue remain at the mercy of oil, gas and coal markets.