Jerry Moran on Education
- Demand a Balanced Budget amendment. (Jul 2010)
- Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. (Jul 2010)
- Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (Mar 2009)
- Balanced Budget Amendment with 3/5 vote to override. (Jan 2009)
- Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009)
- Voted NO on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009)
- Voted NO on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
- Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
- Voted NO on defining "energy emergency" on federal gas prices. (Jun 2008)
- Voted NO on revitalizing severely distressed public housing. (Jan 2008)
- Voted NO on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. (Nov 2007)
- Voted YES on restricting bankruptcy rules. (Jan 2004)