Heidi Heitkamp on Health Care
- Support ObamaCare, with improvements. (Oct 2018)
- $716B cut from Medicare is biggest fib of 2012 campaign. (Oct 2012)
- Changes are needed to ObamaCare, but not repeal. (Oct 2012)
- N.D. needs a state health care exchange, ObamaCAre or not. (Oct 2012)
- No Medicare vouchers; they'd make system insolvent. (Oct 2012)
- Opposes repealing ObamaCare. (Oct 2012)
- Retain the ObamaCare "frontier states" amendment. (Oct 2012)
- Extremely supportive of Critical Access Hospitals. (Apr 2012)
- 2010: enthusiastic support for ObamaCare; less so now. (Mar 2012)
- Federal mandate is serious problem; ObamaCare is not perfect. (Mar 2012)
- Spearheaded lawsuit against big tobacco. (Jan 2012)