Eric Swalwell on Guns
- Mandatory gun buy-back, but not pistols or rifles. (Jun 2019)
- No problem with people owning handguns. (Jun 2019)
- Assault weapon buyback program, with criminal enforcement. (May 2019)
- National ban and buyback of semiautomatic assault weapons. (May 2019)
- After mass shootings, time to make gun control an issue. (Apr 2019)
- Ban assault weapons, buyback for those out there. (Apr 2019)
- Banning assault weapons does not mean broad gun ban. (Apr 2019)
- Be big; be bold; do good; gun control. (Apr 2019)
- I want to lead on gun violence issues. (Apr 2019)
- Ban assault weapons and buy back as many as possible. (May 2018)