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Ed Royce (I)





1. Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
- Pro-life


In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
- No


Do you support mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offenders?
- Unknown Position


1. Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
- No

2. Do you support lowering taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
- Yes


1. Do you generally support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
- No


1. Do you support building the Keystone XL pipeline?
- Yes

2. Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, thermal)?
- Yes


Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
- No


Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
- No

Health Care

1. Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
- Yes


Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
- Yes


Do you support same-sex marriage?
- No

National Security

Do you support increased American intervention in Iraq and Syria beyond air support?
- Yes

Social Security

Do you support allowing individuals to divert a portion of their Social Security taxes into personal retirement accounts?
- Unknown Position

Congressional Election 1992 National Political Awareness Test


Which of the following tax measures, if any, will you support if elected to the Congress in 1992?

1. Reducing the capital gains tax rate on profits from the sale of stocks, bonds and real estate.
- X

2. Permitting tax-free withdrawals from IRAs in limited circumstances.
- X

3. Providing some kind of middle-class tax break.
- X

4. Increasing the income taxes of those with incomes over $100,000.
- No Answer

5. Providing a tax credit for first-time home buyers.
- X

6. Repealing luxury taxes on limited items.
- X

7. Providing a temporary investment tax credit.
- X

8. Other
- No Answer

Revenue Priorities/Program Spending

Please evaluate the following general program areas and indicate the level of federal funding that you will support if you are elected to Congress.

1. Health Care
- Keep Spending The Same

2. Unemployment
- Keep Spending The Same

3. AIDS Research
- Decrease Spending

4. Environment
- Decrease Spending

5. Defense
- Decrease Spending

6. Education
- Decrease Spending

7. National Debt Payments
- Increase Spending

8. Drugs
- Keep Spending The Same

National Debt

If you are elected to Congress, how will you confront the issue of the national debt?

1. Reduce governmental defense spending.
- X

2. Reduce governmental domestic spending.
- X

3. Raise personal income taxes for all citizens.
- No Answer

4. Raise personal income taxes for citizens with incomes over $100,000.
- No Answer

5. Raise corporate taxes.
- No Answer

6. Do nothing at the present time.
- No Answer

7. Other
- No Answer


Which of the following measures designed to address the issue of unemployment do you support or oppose?

1. Extending unemployment compensation further.
- Support

2. Federal support of job retraining programs.
- Oppose

3. Federal grants to states for creating jobs in inner cities.
- Oppose

4. Mandating workfare for welfare recipients.
- Strongly Support

5. Minimizing governmental intervention and letting the market take a more natural course.
- Strongly Support

6. Federal investment in America's infrastructure.
- Support

7. Other
- No Answer


Which of the following policies, if any, should be pursued by the federal government in the area of the United States/Japenese trade?

1. Restricting the overall volume of goods entering the United States from Japan.
- No Answer

2. Imposing tariffs on goods entering the United States from Japan.
- No Answer

3. Requiring Japan to eliminate its trade surplus with the United States over a period of five years.
- No Answer

4. Requiring reciprocal trade agreements between the United States and Japan based on equal dollar values.
- No Answer

5. Imposing no restrictions on trade between the United States and Japan.
- X

6. Other
- No Answer


Which of the following defense proposals do you support or oppose?

1. Reduction of the number of American military troops.
- Support

2. Continued funding of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
- Strongly Support

Health Care

Do you consider the fact that many Americans do not have health insurance to be a problem, and if so, please note which of the following proposals you favor?

1. Elimination of private insurance in favor of a program administered and paid for by the federal government and run by the states, similar to the health care system in Canada.
- No Answer

2. Offering tax incentives to all small employers in return for guaranteed health insurance coverage of all employees and their families.
- X

3. Implementation of a "play or pay" program where employers must enroll their employees and families in a basic health plan or contribute to a public fund that will provide health care for everyone without coverage.
- No Answer

4. Creation of a fund designed to provide health insurance to the unemployed and supported by additional tax levies on large employers.
- No Answer

5. A system of tax credits and vouchers to provide health insurance for the working poor and people of moderate income.
- X

6. No reform necessary at this time.
- No Answer

7. Other
- No Answer


If elected to Congress, which of the following proposals designed to change our nations' public education system will you support?

1. Increased federal funding.
- No Answer

2. Increased state and local funding.
- No Answer

3. Improved teacher recruitment and training.
- X

4. National curricula and standards.
- No Answer

5. Smaller classes.
- X

6. Increased national testing.
- No Answer

7. A "choice" or "vouchers" program.
- X

8. No major changes are necessary at this time.
- No Answer

9. Other
- No Answer


If elected to Congress, how will you confront the War on Drugs?"

1. Provide federal funds to educate people about the dangers of drugs.
- No Answer

2. Provide federal funds to help drug addicts overcome their addictions.
- No Answer

3. Work with foreign governments to stop the export of drugs to this country.
- X

4. Impose mandatory federal jail sentences for drug dealers.
- X

5. Impose mandatory federal jail sentences for drug users.
- No Answer

6. Legalize the possession and use of drugs.
- No Answer

7. Other
- No Answer

The Environment

What is your opinion on the following environmental proposals?

1. Opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration.
- Strongly Support

2. Amending the Clean Water Act's section on wetlands to provide landowners with greater rights.
- Strongly Support

3. Reauthorization of The Endangered Species Act in its current form.
- Strongly Oppose


Please indicate which of the following positions you support or oppose.

1. Parental or spousal notification prior to permitting an abortion.
- Strongly Support

2. Abortion should be illegal in all circumstances.
- Oppose

3. Federally funded abortions should be permitted.
- Oppose

4. Women should be able to get abortions if they want no matter what the reason.
- Strongly Oppose

5. Abortion should be legal only in limited circumstances, for example, when the life of the mother is endangered or in the case of rape or incest.
- Strongly Support

Anti-Crime / Gun Control

Which of the following anti-crime measures do you support or oppose?

1. Expansion of the number of federal crimes punishable by death.
- Strongly Support

2. A mandatory waiting period before the purchase of a handgun.
- Strongly Oppose

3. Increased federal spending for state and local police programs.
- Support

4. A ban on the sale and possession of assault-style semiautomatic weapons.
- Oppose

5. A limitation on habeas corpus appeals for death row inmates.
- Strongly Support

6. Other
- No Answer

Legislative Priorities

['Whare are your two top priorities if elected to the Congress?']

Increase public safety and enhance the rights of crime victims.
- 1. Revitalize the economy and create jobs thru a reduction in taxes, including the capital gains tax and a reduction in governmental regulations on business.