Cory Booker on Guns
- As with civil rights, we can build coalitions for gun laws. (Jun 2019)
- Evidence-based laws can lower gun violence. (Jun 2019)
- Tired of "thoughts and prayers"--this is personal. (Jun 2019)
- We require licenses to drive; so require licenses for guns. (Jun 2019)
- 14-part gun control plan, with criminal enforcement. (May 2019)
- Gun control works; refuse to believe it's not doable. (May 2019)
- Supports national gun licensing every 5 years. (May 2019)
- Consensus on common sense gun laws; ready to fight NRA. (Mar 2019)
- Require background checks; ban assault weapons. (Feb 2019)
- Failed to pass gun legislation after Orlando mass shooting. (Apr 2017)
- Prohibit firearms to suspected terrorists. (Jun 2016)
- $1,000 reward for tip on illegal weapons. (Feb 2016)
- Common sense gun reform on day one. (Jul 2014)
- More background checks & gun trace data. (Jul 2014)
- Criminal gun runners shouldn't have Second Amendment rights. (Oct 2013)
- Coalition "Mayors Against Illegal Guns"; Keep state laws. (Oct 2011)
- Insane to carry concealed loaded weapons cross-state. (Oct 2011)